I want to have different span values depending on selected time range. For example, if the user selected up to 15 minutes, span should be 5s, 15 minutes to 4 hours - 10m, 4 hours to 24 hours - 1h and over that 1d.
I've been using the time hack macro I've seen in the web intelligence app to define index I want to search and this works nicely, however when I embed the timechart command into the macro it fails with a weird error: DISPATCHCOMM_RP_FAIL
The macro I used looks like this:
args = arg1, arg2
definition = [stats count | addinfo | eval range=info_max_time - info_min_time | eval search=case(range<=960, "mysearch | timechart span=5s sum(field)", range>960 AND range<=90000, "..... | timechart span=10m sum(field)")]
I also tried calling a macro from a macro but it didn't work.
Is there a way to get variable span in the timechart function, depending on the selected range?
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