Our department has created a Splunk integration that performs API lookups against IPQualityScore. One of our searches was augmented with the returned data by adding extra fields for context (fraud_score, recent_abuse, vpn, tor, etc.). Unfortunately, the integration doesn't keep the results, so I used outputlookup to store them. While we have a reasonable amount of API queries, I was trying to figure out a way to check if an IP was previously used, append the results and prevent a duplicate lookup if it was. Otherwise, perform the lookup and append the results. This was the query that was used: index=*_auth sourcetype="azure:aad:signin" userAgent=CBAInPROD riskEventTypes_v2{}=*
| rename authenticationDetails{}.succeeded as loginStatus,authenticationDetails{}.authenticationMethod as mfaAuthMethod,authenticationDetails{}.authenticationMethodDetail as mfaAuthDetail,status.additionalDetails as mfaResult,status.failureReason as failureReason,location.city as city,location.state as state,location.countryOrRegion as country,ipAddress as SourceIP,location as Location,userAgent as UserAgent,appDisplayName as Application,riskState as RiskState,riskEventTypes_v2{} as RiskEventType,riskLevelAggregated as RiskLevel,riskLevelDuringSignIn as SignInRisk,conditionalAccessStatus as Status
| eval mfaAuthDetail=if(mfaAuthDetail="","-",mfaAuthDetail),city=if(city=="","N/A",city),state=if(state=="","N/A",state),country=if(country=="","N/A",country),Location=city.", ".state.", ".country,User=if(isnull(userDisplayName),userPrincipalName,userDisplayName)
| fillnull value="-"
| stats count by User,SourceIP,Location,Application,UserAgent,RiskEventType,RiskState,RiskLevel,SignInRisk,Status
| fields - count
| lookup ipqs clientip as SourceIP
| outputlookup append=true override_if_empty=false ipqs.csv
| rename bot_status as Bot,city as City,country_code as Country,fraud_score as Fraud_Score,latitude as LAT,longitude as LONG,mobile as Mobile,proxy as Proxy,recent_abuse as Abuse,success as Success,tor as TOR,vpn as VPN
| table User,SourceIP,Location,Application,UserAgent,RiskEventType,RiskState,RiskLevel,SignInRisk,Status,
| sort 0 User
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