Activity Feed
- Karma Re: When does outputcsv create the csv file? for richgalloway. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Karma Re: .csv file input indexed and available in splunk but the data is invisible for woodcock. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Karma Re: Can splunk Enterprise be upgraded via the splunk console? for stephanefotso. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Karma Splunk DB Connect 2: Why am I getting "No rpc server enabled" trying to read a MySQL query? for lcblucas. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Got Karma for Why does Splunk enter version upgrade setup whenever we try to restart services on our Splunk forwarder?. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Got Karma for Why does Splunk enter version upgrade setup whenever we try to restart services on our Splunk forwarder?. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Got Karma for How can I write a search that will list all the saved reports in my splunk environment?. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Got Karma for Recently upgraded a Splunk Universal forwarder from 6.1.2 to 6.2.2, but why is S.o.S - Splunk on Splunk still showing the UF version as 6.1.2?. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Got Karma for Re: After upgrading from Splunk DB Connect 2.0.2 to 2.1.1, why are our database inputs no longer working?. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Karma Re: How to display the contents of a lookup file? for gkanapathy. 06-05-2020 12:46 AM
- Karma Data indexed but not displayed in Search for pramodkumar. 06-05-2020 12:46 AM
- Posted Re: Why do some queries run fine using DBquery but don't run using DBXquery? on All Apps and Add-ons. 07-25-2016 03:24 AM
- Posted Re: Why do some queries run fine using DBquery but don't run using DBXquery? on All Apps and Add-ons. 07-22-2016 07:44 AM
- Posted Why do some queries run fine using DBquery but don't run using DBXquery? on All Apps and Add-ons. 07-21-2016 02:48 AM
- Posted Re: What does 'nobody' (under owner column) signify in Splunk search and reporting? on Splunk Search. 07-08-2016 06:47 AM
- Posted What does 'nobody' (under owner column) signify in Splunk search and reporting? on Splunk Search. 07-08-2016 06:21 AM
- Posted DB Connect 2 health dashboard shows "no results found" on heavy forwarders in a distributed environment. Why? on All Apps and Add-ons. 03-02-2016 02:58 AM
- Tagged DB Connect 2 health dashboard shows "no results found" on heavy forwarders in a distributed environment. Why? on All Apps and Add-ons. 03-02-2016 02:58 AM
- Posted Re: Splunk Supported Browsers - Should Firefox status be updated ? on Security. 02-23-2016 11:21 PM
- Posted Re: Search head pooling and local users on Security. 02-04-2016 02:15 AM
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03:24 AM
I see. Would you know how Splunk's customers are taking to Splunk DBConnect 2?
If Splunk wants to ultimately replace DBConnect 1 with DBConnect 2, should they not ensure that it is capable of at least matching up to DBConnect 1, if not improving on it?
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07:44 AM
I have tried shortnames=t, shortnames=true.
Its a hit and miss with this. Some queries work well, but some simply refuse to run with DBXquery. Any idea why? In my experience DBXquery simply can't process the more complex queries.
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02:48 AM
When I use this:
|dbquery xxx "SELECT to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24') || ':00:00-' || to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED + 1/24, 'hh24') || ':00:00' as RANGE, DECODE(ORDERITEMS.SHIPMODE_ID,10053,'NDD-HOME',10054,'NDD-SYW',10058,'STD-HOME') as SHIPMODE, COUNT(distinct ORDERS.ORDERS_ID) as ORDER_COUNT FROM WCSRT.ORDERS, WCSRT.ORDERITEMS WHERE ORDERS.ORDERS_ID=ORDERITEMS.ORDERS_ID AND ORDERS.STATUS in ('S','C','M') AND trunc(ORDERS.timeplaced)=trunc(sysdate) AND to_char(WCSRT.ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24')<=24 AND to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24') NOT IN (select to_char(sysdate, 'hh24') from dual) AND ORDERITEMS.SHIPMODE_ID in (10053,10054,10058) GROUP BY to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24') || ':00:00-' || to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED + 1/24, 'hh24') || ':00:00', ORDERITEMS.SHIPMODE_ID ORDER BY RANGE"
I get valid results.
But when i try this:
|dbxquery coonnection=xxx query="SELECT to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24') || ':00:00-' || to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED + 1/24, 'hh24') || ':00:00' as RANGE, DECODE(ORDERITEMS.SHIPMODE_ID,10053,'NDD-HOME',10054,'NDD-SYW',10058,'STD-HOME') as SHIPMODE, COUNT(distinct ORDERS.ORDERS_ID) as ORDER_COUNT FROM WCSRT.ORDERS, WCSRT.ORDERITEMS WHERE ORDERS.ORDERS_ID=ORDERITEMS.ORDERS_ID AND ORDERS.STATUS in ('S','C','M') AND trunc(ORDERS.timeplaced)=trunc(sysdate) AND to_char(WCSRT.ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24')<=24 AND to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24') NOT IN (select to_char(sysdate, 'hh24') from dual) AND ORDERITEMS.SHIPMODE_ID in (10053,10054,10058) GROUP BY to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED, 'hh24') || ':00:00-' || to_char(ORDERS.TIMEPLACED + 1/24, 'hh24') || ':00:00', ORDERITEMS.SHIPMODE_ID ORDER BY RANGE".
I get 'no results found'.
Can someone explain why DBXquery does not work as smoothly as DBQuery ? How do I convert my current DBQueries to work with DBXQuery as well?
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06:47 AM
Makes perfect sense. Many thanks for clarifying.
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06:21 AM
Probably a silly question, but can someone please advise what 'nobody' (under Owner column) next to a dashboard signifies in Splunk? If an artifact is created it reflects the owner's i.d. as configured in the 'Users' section generally, but there seem to be a lot of objects with 'nobody' as owner in our Splunk instance. What does that mean?
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02:58 AM
We have Splunk DB Connect 2 installed on two heavy forwarders, but the health dashboards work on none ("no results found"). We have another environment with DB Connect installed on the search head. In that case, the dashboard seems to work fine.
I know that the internal logs from the heavy forwarders are forwarded to our indexers. Is that the reason why the heath dashboard won't work?
Note: I also don't see any errors when I click the "RPC Service", (which also runs a search on the internal index).
I believe its standard practice to forward internal logs from HFs to indexer. In that case, what is the point of the health dashboard on a distributed environment? (This is of course assuming that my analysis of the problem is correct in the first place).
Splunk support were not able to suggest any solutions when we raised this as a case. They advised upgrading the app, which we did (from 2.0.3 to 2.1.1). This made no difference to the issue.
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11:21 PM
IE-9 is also incompatible with Splunk 6.2.2. We keep on getting an error message saying "server error", when we run searches/open reports etc. Sometimes when you click on an item, it simply disconnects and opens only after refreshing the page 5-6 times.
Splunk support said the very same thing when we raised it as a case with them.
IE-9 should definitely be removed as a compatible browser.
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02:15 AM
If obects like reports/alerts/dashboards are available across all search-heads in a pool, isn't it logical to assume that so would be the users? But they are not! (On 6.2.2)
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07:51 AM
1 Karma
My apologies. I have just discovered that DBConnect is not supported with Splunk free.
The environment where I have been testing this was a free license Test env.
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03:43 AM
Just downgraded to ojadbc6.jar, now I am not seeing "unsupported" in settings>drivers. But I am still facing the same issue when I try to set up a data input.
Enter the SQL and hit the search button. After 5 seconds, a new error message
External search command 'dbxquery' returned error code 1. Script output = " ERROR "Exception at ""/apps/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_app_db_connect/bin/"", line 123 : No rpc server enabled" "
turns up. I will open a case with Splunk support to see if they can help.
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02:35 AM
I took a look at the settings>drivers and saw that my oracle driver is unsupported. So I am going to downgrade from ojdbc7.jar to ojdbc6.jar
I had upgraded from ojdbc6.jar to ojdbc7.jar on the basis of the release notes of DBConnect 2.1.1-
2015-12-16 DBX-1786 Connection to Oracle database failed; the following error is logged in dbx2.log:
[ERROR] [] [DBInput Service] ERROR: statement handle not executed: getMetaData
Workaround: Replace the ojdbc6.jar with ojdbc7.jar JDBC driver. See this Splunk Answers post for details:
While elsewhere in the documents it clearly suggests only oracle 11g is supported and ojdbc6.jar should be used.
I am unsure why conflicting instructions are being published by Splunk in its docs.
I will update if going to ojdbc6.jar solves the issue for me.
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04:24 AM
We have recently upgraded from Splunk DB Connect 2.0.2 to 2.1.1 to get around a known error with the previous version.
But now, none of our v2 database inputs are working anymore. While setting up a new database input (or even with the existing data inputs), we get the below error message on the screen when we try to run the SQL (in "Choose and preview table"):
Error message
-- External search command 'dbxquery' returned error code 1. Script output = " ERROR "Exception at ""/apps/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_app_db_connect/bin/"", line 123 :" "
Is this a bug? The same SQLs work fine in DBX v1 (They were working in DBX v2 as well before upgrading).
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11:22 PM
1 Karma
We have upgraded a Splunk universal forwarder from Splunk 6.1.2 to 6.2.2 a couple of days back. I checked the version in the forwarder after upgrading, using the ./splunk version command and it showed "Splunk Universal Forwarder 6.2.2 (build 255606)", but the S.o.S - Splunk on Splunk app on the search head still shows the Universal Forwarder version as 6.1.2 under deployment Status> Deployment Topology.
I checked the splunk_instances_info.csv lookup table for hints and it too has the UF version listed as 6.1.2.
The Search head itself is running Splunk 6.2.2 (if that matters). I have restarted the Search head a couple of times, but it's not picking up the correct Splunk UF version. Can anyone help?
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07:13 AM
If you have another user (admin) who does not have the same role assigned (dbx_user in your case), you can ask that user to go to the Access controls console and delete the particular role from your account. The role may not be visible to you but its visible to other users if they look at your account. This will help you save the trouble of modifying the passwd file.
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04:26 AM
We recently upgraded to Splunk 6.2.2 from 6.1.2. Since then we've been facing interruptions/disconnection issues in Splunk Web on one search head.
For example; when I click on any link on the webpage (dashboards/reports/search/whatever) splunk will get disconnected and IE will say "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
Also, when I run searches/open reports (more or less any app on search and reporting) and stick around for a while on the webpage after the search completes etc, I get a message saying "Server error" on the page (although the search completes successfully/report runs normally).
These two issues seem to occur in conjunction: i.e, when I get more "server error" banners, I can be sure that I will face more disconnections.
This is not the case on the other pooled search-head or any other instance (same Splunk version on same IE browser)
What could be wrong?
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12:14 AM
Hi we are looking to upgrade our distributed splunk environment from 6.1.2 to 6.2.2. I have been looking at documents regarding this and they all point to the fact that the upgrade has to be done through the OS (i.e., using tar, rpm file and installing it through linux commands). But I'm being told by my department that this can be achieved using the splunk console as well. I know that you can install apps through the console, but I'm not sure how to upgrade splunk through the console. Can anyone please advise? If you know the correct steps, can you please share?
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- Labels:
05:50 AM
I have a data input for .csv files on splunk, these files are created on a daily basis and named with the day's datestamp as filename, such as _20150521120829589.csv.
I can see that the files are being indexed and its turning up events on search. but when I try to view the contents of the file (say for example using "<all the required search query here> | table Record_Type Action Client_Id Sku-Id" it gives me empty tables, even though it shows the value for statistics as 444,942.
Two things stand out when i check the splunkd.log
1.Breaking event because limit of 256 has been exceeded
2.. Too many events (100K) with the same timestamp: incrementing timestamps 1 second(s) into the future to insure retrievability
I took a look at the csv file and the number of rows is above 111k. Can anyone please advise how I make the data visible (as it seems available)?
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08:43 AM
I'd like to know at what time does outputcsv create a csv file? Is it created at the same time you schedule your report to run?
Many thanks.
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08:57 AM
Also we tried to create a diagnosis file on the indexer server, for adding to a case I have already raised, but even the diag command is making the upgrade setup open up and we are unable to capture the diag file.
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08:56 AM
We have a database data input which has stopped pulling data from an oracle database over the last 7-8 hours. I have tried disabling and re enabling the data inputs to no effect. i have also gone to manage apps> splunk DB connect>view objects and disabled and re enabled the object related to that database but no luck there either.
Then i tried to restart the splunk services on the indexers, one of them started fine but the other one keeps going into upgrade setup every time we try to start or stop it (it mistakes the start/stop for upgrade request, I presume).
Has anyone faced this forced upgrade issue before? How to troubleshoot it?
Do you think the two issues are related? Will restarting services on the indexer solve the first issue?
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06:45 AM
@markthompson @ngatchasandra @ppablo_splunk
When I make changes to a report, alert's query on splunk, the save option remains greyed out, so every time I have to save the report/alert as a new one using the 'save as' option. A while back I had asked this question to the community and was told that my role should have the 'list_inputs' capability. I remember adding that capability to the admin role and for a while the save option worked fine.
Off late, the save option has gone back to being greyed out and i looked to perform the obvious step of adding the 'list_inputs' capability. Like @ngatchasandra said, I too can see the particular capability in imported capabilities list, but since the save button isn't working, one can deduce that the capability isn't performing as expected. Any inputs?
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04:16 AM
I have admin level access to my splunk instance. I want to add the list_inputs capability to the admin role (actually it should be present by default) but I can't seem to do it.
When I click on a particular capability on the 'available capabilities' list it moves to the 'selected capabilities' list as expected, but when i hit the save button it doesn't seem to save and the capability doesn't remain on the 'selected capabilities' list. Please help.
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10:56 PM
2 Karma
We have been trying to restart splunk services on a forwarder as it had stopped working some time back, but when you try any option (start/stop), splunk seems to enter an upgrade setup and the following message turns up:
Do you agree with this license? [y/n]: y
This appears to be an upgrade of Splunk.
Splunk has detected an older version of Splunk installed on this machine. To
finish upgrading to the new version, Splunk's installer will automatically
update and alter your current configuration files. Deprecated configuration
files will be renamed with a .deprecated extension.
You can choose to preview the changes that will be made to your configuration
files before proceeding with the migration and upgrade:
If you want to migrate and upgrade without previewing the changes that will be
made to your existing configuration files, choose 'y'.
If you want to see what changes will be made before you proceed with the
upgrade, choose 'n'.
Perform migration and upgrade without previewing configuration changes? [y/n] n
-- Migration information is being logged to '/apps/splunk/var/log/splunk/migration.log.2015-04-23.11-49-27' --
Migrating to:
An error occurred: In order to migrate, Splunkd must not be running.
[splunkadm@s220823vaps7016 bin]$
Has anyone else faced this? Please suggest what can be done to fix this. Please note this is happening on only the particular forwarder.
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06:38 AM
Hi somesoni2,
thanks for your response.
Is there a way to change the permissions of these dashboards on the backend (from private to public)? Also if a deleted dashboard needs to be restored, can it be done by replacing the backed up files in the physical path?
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08:26 AM
Hi markthompson,
I checked and found that I already have the admin_all_objects permission under the 'admin' role (Also discovered that admin is a user defined role and not a permission.)
Any further advice?
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