Is there a search that can be run to display the contents of a lookup file?
I added following at end of above query - | table ip, "Vulnerabilities", "Severity", "Site ID" | outputlookup nexposetext.csv
When I do | inputlookup nexposetext.csv nothing shows up .
What I mean by data is getting mixed up is that the columns are grouped by IP address, when I export it to CSV the IP and vulnerabilities etc do not show up on csv like they show up neatly formatted on Splunk.
I'm sure you've gotten past this by now, but for future searchers that remained confused it might be because this is a generating command, so when trying to display it in a panel or search by itself, you specify a leading pipe charater |, so your FULL search bar looks like:
| inputlookup lookup_name.csv | table field1,field2,field3
You can create a handy dashboard panel to search the lookup table with a text box:
| inputlookup lookup_name.csv | table field1,field2,field3 | search field1="$token1$" OR field2="$token1$" OR field3="$token1$*"
where fieldX are your column names.
I would like to see the rows of my csv lookup file through a splunk query. Is there any option which reads the lookup file and prints all the rows of lookup file.
| inputlookup Lookup_File_Name.csv
I would like to see the rows of my csv lookup file through a splunk query. Is there any option which reads the lookup file and prints all the rows of lookup file.
| inputlookup Lookup_File_Name.csv
| streamstats count as row
You'll have to use | outputlookup if you want to save the row numbers.
Note: If you plan to save it or do more manipulation with it later on you might want to make it into a zero padded string:
| eval row=substr("0000".row,-5)
| inputlookup mylookup