@devsru wrote: Thanks for the query. I need to send an alert a day before daylight savings in europe i.e Sun, Mar 30, 2025 – Sun, Oct 26, 2025 Could you please tell me how to update this query. Lets say run at 2 PM the day before with the message. Ok - so am I to assume the rule is the 4th Sunday of those months or is this more difficult like the last Sunday of those months. There needs to be a rule or common theme to identify each year in the future, unless a governing body just randomly decides each year then I can't script for that. | eval Sunday=strftime(relative_time(strptime(FirstOfMonth, "%Y-%m-%d"),"+2w@w0"), "%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Match=if((Sunday=DayOfYear AND (strftime(round(relative_time(now(), "-0y@y"))+((count-1)*86400),"%m")=="03" OR strftime(round(relative_time(now(), "-0y@y"))+((count-1)*86400),"%m")=="11") ),"TRUE","FALSE") The eval for Sunday=... contains '+2w@w0' which indicates the second week @ weekday of 0 which in this case is Sunday (1=Monday, etc....). The eval for Match= has many AND OR statements but the '==03' and '==11' just needs to be updated to match your month in question. The entire search I gave you will only identify the two days where DST changes occur. You need to add an additional calculation to say is today or now() the day before either of the DST change results. If TRUE then result == 1, if FALSE then result == 0 (result being any variable name of your choosing). Once you have that search working and verified you can setup an Alert action that results in email delivery if result value > 0. That alert action search can be schedule to run every Saturday for every week. Set it once and forget about it as it should work year after year. That said good maintenance is to on a reoccurring bases verify the search still matches your local DST rules and that destination mailing list still exists and contains the appropriate user base.
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