If that name which is in event's metadata is exactly sama than in indexes.conf file on that indexer where events comes. Basically you can change that name in props+transforms.conf on first full splunk instance (in your case that HF which collect that data). If indexers haven't have correctly named index in their index list then there should be index called lastChangeIndex see below lastChanceIndex = <index name>
* An index that receives events that are otherwise not associated
with a valid index.
* If you do not specify a valid index with this setting, such events are
dropped entirely.
* Routes the following kinds of events to the specified index:
* events with a non-existent index specified at an input layer, like an
invalid "index" setting in inputs.conf
* events with a non-existent index computed at index-time, like an invalid
_MetaData:Index value set from a "FORMAT" setting in transforms.conf
* You must set 'lastChanceIndex' to an existing, enabled index.
Splunk software cannot start otherwise.
* If set to "default", then the default index specified by the
'defaultDatabase' setting is used as a last chance index.
* Default: empty string where all those events ,which haven't have name which exists in indexes.conf files, will send. As you see there is no default for that and this leads that indexer drops those events. For that reason you should always have this lastChangeIndex defined and restricted access to it. Also you should monitor it to react when someone try to send events into wrong index.
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