Hi @jeffland, thanks for your reply!
first question first - how do you tabulate your code lika that on answers?
Second part - I have a list similar to the one you described, with ip, macs and hostnames, along with timestamps when each of these were added or updated. This is intended to be the representation of a machine.
At any point in time, i need to, for example, look up a hostname, or a mac, or a timestamp for one of these values. If a hostname for example is apparent in several rows, there is no way for me to determine the exact values belonging to that row since all of them are bundled together. mvexpand on the other hand explodes the multi-values into every possible combination. A result which has 5 values in 5 fields will return 5^5 events.
If the events that contained my value i wnated to search for, say host=jeffland would be represented on rows, i wouldnt have this problem.
The only solution right now is to use a combination of the hostname and, say, the updated time for that value, by using two |lookup commands to first single out the host, and subsequently expand every value i need to search for and again use a | lookup filtering for that host and finding the time field i'm looking for.
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