I see this as a nontrivial version of Splunk soup. I'd proceed like this... index=A OR index=REL or index=B OR index=C
| fields index parent child name status id
| rename COMMENT as "double the REL records, levaing the others single"
| eval myfan=mvrange(0,if(index="REL",2,1))
| mvexpand myfan
| rename COMMENT as "set up match keys and data fields"
| eval A_id=case(index="A",id, index="REL" AND myfan=0,parent)
| eval B_id=case(index="B",id, index="REL" AND myfan=0,child, index="REL" AND myfan=1,parent)
| eval C_id=case(index="C",id, index="REL" AND myfan=1,child)
| eval A_name=case(index="A",name)
| eval A_status=case(index="A",status)
| eval B_name_status=case(index="B",name."!!!!".status)
| eval C_name_status=case(index="C",name."!!!!".status)
At this point records look like this index=A id name status A_id A_name A_status
index=B id name status B_id B_name_status
index=C id name status C_id C_name_status
index=REL myfan=0 parent child A_id B_id
index=REL myfan=1 parent child B_id C_id Then I'd proceed like this... | rename COMMENT as "reduce to required fields with one of these two"
| fields - id name status parent child
| fields index myfan A_id A_name A_status B_id B_name_status C_id C_name_status
| rename COMMENT as "roll data from REL myfan 0 to A, then myfan=1 to A, tehn drop REL"
| eventstats values(eval(case(myfan=0,B_id)) as B_id by A_id
| eventstats values(eval(case(myfan=1,C_id)) as C_id by B_id
| where index!="REL"
| rename COMMENT as "now we have only A, B, C records, and the A records have all relevant keys."
| rename COMMENT as "Roll B record to A then drop B"
| eventstats values(B_name_status) as B_name_status by B_id
| where index!="B"
| rename COMMENT as "Roll C record to A then drop C"
| eventstats values(C_name_status) as C_name_status by C_id
| where index!="C"
| rename COMMENT as "Above could be a stats"
| rename COMMENT as "Add placeholders to handle potential NULLS"
| eval B_name_status=coalesce(B_name_status,"N/A!!!!N/A")
| eval C_name_status=coalesce(C_name_status,"N/A!!!!N/A")
| rename COMMENT as "split up the records, then the fields"
| mvexpand C_name_status
| mvexpand B_name_status
| eval B_name=mvindex(split(B_name_status,"!!!!"),0)
| eval B_status=mvindex(split(B_name_status,"!!!!"),1)
| eval C_name=mvindex(split(C_name_status,"!!!!"),0)
| eval C_status=mvindex(split(C_name_status,"!!!!"),1)
| rename COMMENT as "drop unneeded fields"
| table A_name A_status B_name B_status C_name C_status That's all air code, so you'd have to shake it down with a small subset of the records before running the whole data set.
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