There are three different 'Call Using Computer' events that are being generated:
I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92
I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5
I used WebEx_s Call Using Computer
Here is a picture of the first: http://imgur.com/a/r7Cfw
Here is some of the raw data:
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,-,-,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,Yes,Venezuela,6/22/2017 2:25:51 PM,6/22/2017 2:25:51 PM
Dissatisfied,2,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,-,-,Using \x91Call Using Computer\x92,-,-,Delays,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,Yes,United States,6/22/2017 10:09:11 AM,6/22/2017 10:09:11 AM
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,,,,-,Noise or static,-,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,Yes,Portugal,6/22/2017 8:52:54 AM,6/22/2017 8:52:54 AM
Very Dissatisfied,1,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,-,-,Using \x91Call Using Computer\x92,-,-,-,Call drops/disconnects,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,No,Turkey,6/22/2017 8:05:39 AM,6/22/2017 8:05:39 AM
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,,,,,,,,Application never loaded,-,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,Yes,France,6/22/2017 7:18:25 AM,6/22/2017 7:18:25 AM
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,,,,-,Noise or static,Delays,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,Yes,Poland,6/22/2017 6:18:04 AM,6/22/2017 6:18:04 AM
Very Dissatisfied,1,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,-,-,-,,,,,Application never loaded,-,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,No,United States,6/21/2017 3:05:23 PM,6/21/2017 3:05:23 PM
Dissatisfied,2,-,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,,,,,,,,Application never loaded,-,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,Yes,Costa Rica,6/21/2017 12:25:35 PM,6/21/2017 12:25:35 PM
Dissatisfied,2,-,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,,,,,,,,Application never loaded,Application took more than 60 seconds to load,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,No,India,6/21/2017 11:30:37 AM,6/21/2017 11:30:37 AM
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,,,,,,,,-,Application took more than 60 seconds to load,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\x92s \x91Call Using Computer\x92,No,Germany,6/21/2017 9:10:18 AM,6/21/2017 9:10:18 AM
Here is a picture of the second: http://imgur.com/a/acmWG
Here is some of the raw data:
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting. ,-,-,,,,-,-,Delays,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,India,4/28/2017 0:22,4/28/2017 0:22
Very Dissatisfied,1,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,-,-,Using \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Echo,Noise or static,Delays,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,India,5/3/2017 12:32:25 AM,5/3/2017 12:32:25 AM
Very Dissatisfied,1,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,-,-,-,,,,,-,-,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,No,India,5/7/2017 11:34:02 PM,5/7/2017 11:34:02 PM
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,,,,-,Noise or static,-,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,Costa Rica,5/5/2017 3:14:10 PM,5/5/2017 3:14:10 PM
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,,,,,,,,Application never loaded,-,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,United States,5/5/2017 2:26:35 PM,5/5/2017 2:26:35 PM
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,,,,Echo,Noise or static,-,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,United States,5/5/2017 11:27:02 AM,5/5/2017 11:27:02 AM
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,,,,-,Noise or static,-,Call drops/disconnects,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,France,5/5/2017 5:34:04 AM,5/5/2017 5:34:04 AM
Dissatisfied,2,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,Using \xD4Call Me\xD5,-,Using \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,,,,,-,Application took more than 60 seconds to load,-,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,Yes,Indonesia,5/4/2017 11:33:23 PM,5/4/2017 11:33:23 PM
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting.,-,-,,,,-,-,-,Call drops/disconnects,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,No,United States,5/4/2017 10:03:02 PM,5/4/2017 10:03:02 PM
Dissatisfied,2,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,-,-,-,-,-,Using \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,,,,,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx\xD5s \xD4Call Using Computer\xD5,No,Per\x9C,5/4/2017 1:02:36 PM,5/4/2017 1:02:36 PM
Here is a picture of the third: http://imgur.com/a/vsI7H
Here is the raw data:
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting. ,-,-,,,,Echo,Noise or static,-,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx_s _Call Using Computer_,Yes,Germany,4/5/2017 7:33,4/5/2017 7:33
Very Dissatisfied,1,-,-,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,,,,,,,,Application never loaded,-,-,,,,,,I used WebEx_s _Call Using Computer_,No,Italy,4/5/2017 7:25,4/5/2017 7:25
Dissatisfied,2,I had difficulty joining the audio for the meeting.,I had audio quality problems during my meeting. ,I had difficulty connecting to the WebEx application.,-,-,-,Using _Call Using Computer_,Echo,Noise or static,-,-,-,Application took more than 60 seconds to load,-,,,,,,I used WebEx_s _Call Using Computer_,Yes,China,4/5/2017 3:59,4/5/2017 3:59
Dissatisfied,2,-,I had audio quality problems during my meeting. ,-,-,,,,Echo,Noise or static,Delays,-,,,,,,,,,I used WebEx_s _Call Using Computer_,Yes,Japan,4/5/2017 3:45,4/5/2017 3:45
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