I have a dashboard panel of survey percentage results over time, divided into separate lines by region:
Here is the query:
| eval surveyDate=strptime(Started,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
| eval YearWeek=strftime(surveyDate,"%Y-%U")
| eval Country=upper(Country)
| lookup CountryDetails Country OUTPUT Region
| stats count(Rating) as NumberRatings by YearWeek Rating Region
| eventstats sum(NumberRatings) as TotalRatings by YearWeek Region
| eval PercentageRatings=round(NumberRatings/TotalRatings,3)
| where Rating=1 OR Rating=2
| chart sum(PercentageRatings) as NegativeSentiment by YearWeek Region
I want to show this same line graph, but only include events that contain the value "A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone" for the JoinedFrom field:
This JoinedFrom field should cover 100% of events, but for some reason it's only showing as covering 5%
This is the query that should work:
| eval surveyDate=strptime(Started,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
| eval YearWeek=strftime(surveyDate,"%Y-%U")
| eval Country=upper(Country)
| lookup CountryDetails Country OUTPUT Region
| search JoinedFrom="A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone"
| stats count(Rating) as NumberRatings by YearWeek Rating Region
| eventstats sum(NumberRatings) as TotalRatings by YearWeek Region
| eval PercentageRatings=round(NumberRatings/TotalRatings,3)
| where Rating=1 OR Rating=2
| chart sum(PercentageRatings) as NegativeSentiment by YearWeek Region
However, it's not coming out quite right: http://imgur.com/a/9TbaM
I want a similar line graph to the original, just with only the events where JoinedFrom="A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone."
Please advise
try this:
index=webex_sentiment "A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone"
| eval surveyDate=strptime(Started,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
| eval YearWeek=strftime(surveyDate,"%Y-%U")
| eval Country=upper(Country)
| lookup CountryDetails Country OUTPUT Region
| stats count(Rating) as NumberRatings by YearWeek Rating Region
| eventstats sum(NumberRatings) as TotalRatings by YearWeek Region
| eval PercentageRatings=round(NumberRatings/TotalRatings,3)
| where Rating=1 OR Rating=2
| chart sum(PercentageRatings) as NegativeSentiment by YearWeek Region
that should narrow down your search to what you're looking for before you actually start evaluating anything.
@mhtedford, I believe you are getting "A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone" from raw events of index=webex_sentiment. In that case you can add this string in your base search. If field extraction is already in place you can put the same with field name.
index=webex_sentiment "A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone"
index=webex_sentiment JoinedFrom="A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone"
Filtering the results upfront will boost query performance by fetching only required events from Index.
Also refer to lookup command optimization, you should perform stats by country first and then perform lookup to change country to region.
However, ignoring performance, I think above search should also give you only one series for "A desk or huddle room (9 or fewer seats) phone". So can you please illustrate what you are seeing vs what you expect?