I am wanting to calculate the average count of "incidents" per hour/day (i.e. Mon-07:00, Mon-08:00) over a 12 month period. I am using a date field that is not my timestamp. This is the syntax I have so far, any help would be appreciated.
| eval log_day=strftime(strptime(DATE_ENTERED,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),"%a-%H:00")
| eval sort_field=case(log_day LIKE "%Mon%",1, log_day LIKE "%Tues%",2, log_day LIKE "%Wed%",3, log_day LIKE "%Thu%",4, log_day LIKE "%Fri%",5, log_day LIKE "%Sat%",6, log_day LIKE "%Sun%",7)
| stats count by log_day sort_field
So essentially at the moment this search is telling how many incidents I have had in total for Mon-07:00 etc. but I need the average amount per day across the 12 month window. The sort field is only there to ensure the days of the week are in order (Mon to Sun).
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