I need to build a dashboard to parse the json data and show it more like Tree Structure.What is the best way, I can build a data structure to be able to run custom queries. I tries use basic spath command as well as using jsontutils jsonkvrecursive command with limited success. Appreciate any help. Here is a sample json data.
"timings": {
"cat": "ROOT",
"el": 597086853,
"cpu": 256429000,
"subtimings": {
"find": {
"cat": "CODE",
"el": 500467225,
"cpu": 218036000,
"subtimings": {
"Find - buildMapperObjects": {
"cat": "CODE",
"el": 6585459,
"cpu": 3989000
"findBySubscriber": {
"cat": "CODE",
"el": 488985754,
"cpu": 211558000,
"subtimings": {
"findResponseObjects": {
"cat": "CODE",
"el": 515299,
"cpu": 328000
"findSubSqlParamSrc": {
"cat": "CODE",
"el": 1483307,
"cpu": 930000
"executeSPCall": {
"cat": "CODE",
"el": 152860617,
"cpu": 36395000,
"aggregates": {
"dataSourceCall": {
"cnt": 2,
"el": 22312142
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