I am displaying the results of my search using simpleresultstable module, I would like to add a "Export" link in the panel to export the results to csv file. (Similar to the one in search / flashtimeline results grapharea). How can I do that.
Thanks. I agree regarding the lack of documentation. I actually made it work couple of days ago (pretty similar to what you did), but did not have time to update the post. Thanks again for your help. Here is my snippet. This will show the results in the table with export link on bottom right corner.
You would have to define 'layoutPanel' property for your Export module. This should be same as the layout where your event table is displayed (panel_row2_col1 in your case)
Thanks. I agree regarding the lack of documentation. I actually made it work couple of days ago (pretty similar to what you did), but did not have time to update the post. Thanks again for your help. Here is my snippet. This will show the results in the table with export link on bottom right corner.
A note for those of you copying and pasting from this example (I am running Splunk 5 on Linux). it should be "layoutPanel", not "layoutpanel". Using all lowercase results in the export module not necessarily being attached to the correct location.
As usual Splunk’s documentation does not do anything to clarify how to use the export module. After a little trial and error I discovered the best way to use it. Here is a snippit of Advanced XML showing how I use it. I put exports on all my interactive forms, charts and table views. For the most part I put the Export Module immediately before the Paginator module.
The important things to bear in mind is to place the Export Module layoutPanel in the same layoutPanel that the paginator lives. In your case you would make the layoutPanel the same as your JobProgressIndicator layoutPanel, panel1_row2_col1.
Also it is important to insure that the exportType is the same as the entityName, either results or events. I have used results almost exclusively but a couple of my Simple XML conversions to Advanced XML have converted to events instead of results. Just check your code and you should be OK. After placing a few Export Modules you will get the hang of it.
<module name="JobStatus">
<module name="Export" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<param name="exportType">results</param>
<module name="Paginator" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1" group="Data Received">
<param name="count">20</param>
<param name="entityName">results</param>
in your Advanced XML you need the Export module:
<module name="Export" layoutPanel="pageControls">
<param name="exportType">event</param>
I am not sure where I am doing wrong. I have a search module with inline search, which displays results using simpleresultstable module. I have export module defined. I don't see export link in the panel. Here the snippet.