Hey there, Your post is a couple months old, but since I stumbled into the same issue, I figured there will be more Splunkers in the future that encounter the same challenge and would appreciate if the solution is documented somewhere. The first part of my response lays out how to resolve the issue, in the second part I talk about why the issue arises in the first place. Part 1 - How to resolve the issue Apps > DSDL App > Configuration > Setup > Check the "Yes" box > Scroll to the "Splunk Access in Jupyter (optioinal)" section > Use the following settings: Enable Splunk Access: Yes Splunk Access Token: Paste your token here. If you dont have one, you can spawn a token under Settings > Tokens. Splunk Host Address: Paste your host address here (in my case it has this format: 123.456.78.90) Splunk Management Port: 8089 (This is the default, if you did not change it, you can use 8089) Press "Test & Save" Apps > DSDL App > Configuration > Containers > Start your container. If your container was already running, stop it and restart it Apps > DSDL App > Configuration > Containers > Press the "JUPYTER LAB" button Now open the "barebone_template.ipynb" in the /notebooks folder Execute the code that pulls data from Splunk. Now it should work just fine. import libs.SplunkSearch as SplunkSearch search = SplunkSearch.SplunkSearch() Part 2 - More details in case you are curious Execute the following code in your jupyter notebook. Here you can inspect all os variables. import os
os.environ For us of interest are the following. os.environ["splunk_access_host"] os.environ["splunk_access_port"] os.environ["splunk_access_token"] If you haven't fixed the issue yet, os.environ["splunk_access_enabled"] should return "false". You most likely started the container before you made the settings as I described in part 1. These os.environ variables are important, since the function that lets you pull data from Splunk relies on them. The error in your screenshot "An error occurred: int() argument must be a sting, ..." stems from the fact that the SplunkSearch() function has no values for host/port/token. import libs.SplunkSearch as SplunkSearch
search = SplunkSearch.SplunkSearch() You find the source code for the SplunkSearch function in your Jupyter Lab here: /notebooks/libs/SplunkSearch.py. Somewhere in the upper section of this Python code, you see the following. if "splunk_access_enabled" in os.environ:
access_enabled = os.environ["splunk_access_enabled"]
if access_enabled=="1":
self.host = os.environ["splunk_access_host"]
self.port = os.environ["splunk_access_port"]
self.token = os.environ["splunk_access_token"] As you can see in the code above, the SplunkSearch.py reads the host, port, and token you entered on the settings page if you also set Enable Splunk Access: Yes. If you are familiar with Splunk's REST API, you recognize that host, port, and token are necessary values to establish a connection from your notebook to Splunk to eventually retrieve search results for your query. I skip the details, but here are a couple lines from SplunkSearch.py that illustrate what packages are used, the connection that is made, as well as the search query that is initiated. import splunklib.results as splunk_results
import splunklib.client as splunk_client
self._service = splunk_client.connect(host=self.host, port=self.port, token=self.token)
# create a search job in splunk
job = self.service.jobs.create(
search_mode="normal") I hope this helps. Regards, Gabriel
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