Hi everyone
I got a question regarding the configuration of the app Microsoft Teams Add-on for Splunk.
When I configure a Webhook, a TeamsSubscription, and a CallRecord according to this guide, MS Teams data flow into my Splunk instance. Just like the guide suggests, I use ngrok since the server my Splunk instance is running on is not accessible via HTTPS.
Ngrok is fine for testing, but I want to switch it out for my actual proxy server. I tried several different settings, but there is no more data coming in. Given that data came in for as long as I used ngrok, all settings related to Azure (Tenant ID, Client ID, Client Secret) must be correct. The issue lies somewhere in the proxy server settings.
Can anyone share some insights on how to configure the MS Teams Add-on as well as proxy server settings? Here is my current setup.
- Name: Webhook
- Interval: 30
- Index: ms_teams
- Port: 4444
- Name: Subscription
- Interval: 86400
- Index: ms_teams
- Global Account: MSAzure
- Tenant ID: mytenantidfromazure
- Environment: Public
- Webhook URL: myproxy.server.com <------- splunkinstanceserver.com:4444 or myproxy.server.com?
- Endpoint: v1.0
- Name: CallRecord
- Interval: 30
- Index: ms_teams
- Global Account: MSAzure
- Tenant ID: mytenantidfromazure
- Environment: Public
- Endpoint: v1.0
- Max Batch Site: 5000
- Enable: checked
- Host: myproxyserver.com
- Port: 4444 <--------- Is this meant to be the port of my webhook or where my proxy takes https requests?
- Username: userformyproxyserver
- PW: userpwformyproxyserver
***Paths are shortened for readability.
.../TA_MS_Teams/bin/TA_MS_Teams_rh_settings.py persistent}: WARNING:root:Run function: get_password failed: Traceback (most recent call last):
.../TA_MS_Teams/bin/TA_MS_Teams_rh_settings.py persistent}: File ".../TA_MS_Teams/bin/ta_ms_teams/aob_py3/solnlib/utils.py", line 148, in wrapper
.../TA_MS_Teams/bin/TA_MS_Teams_rh_settings.py persistent}: return func(*args, **kwargs)
.../TA_MS_Teams/bin/TA_MS_Teams_rh_settings.py persistent}: File ".../TA_MS_Teams/bin/ta_ms_teams/aob_py3/solnlib/credentials.py", line 128, in get_password
.../TA_MS_Teams/bin/TA_MS_Teams_rh_settings.py persistent}: "Failed to get password of realm=%s, user=%s." % (self._realm, user)
.../TA_MS_Teams/bin/TA_MS_Teams_rh_settings.py persistent}: solnlib.credentials.CredentialNotExistException: Failed to get password of realm=__REST_CREDENTIAL__#TA_MS_Teams#configs/conf-ta_ms_teams_settings, user=proxy.