Hello everyone,
I followed steps to install DSDL : https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/DSDL/5.1.1/User/InstallDSDL and do this scenario here https://www.sidechannel.blog/en/detecting-anomalies-using-machine-learning-on-splunk/
But when I'm trying to start the container :
I get 403 error :
Is there a known issue about that ?
Have a good day all,
Hey there,
Have you tried pulling the docker image manually or did you just hit START? If not, try this:
1. SSH into your Splunk server
2. Check what docker images are present
docker images
3. Pull the latest version of Golden Image CPU image manually from Docker Hub. As of today, its version 5.1.2
docker pull phdrieger/mltk-container-golden-cpu:5.1.2
4. The image you just pulled should now be visible
docker images
5. Update the DSDL app to the latest version. As of today, this is 5.1.2
6. Restart or refresh your search head
7. Now try to start the container again
In case you want any other docker image, here is the official repository where you find all images to every container image that is available in DSDL: https://hub.docker.com/u/phdrieger
Let me know if I can help you any further.
Hey Betty
Have you pulled the docker container image (Golden Image CPU) manually or did you just select it from the dropdown and then hit START?
If you did not pull it manually yet, try this first.
docker images
docker pull phdrieger/mltk-container-golden-cpu:5.1.2
docker images
docker run phdrieger/mltk-container-golden-cpu:5.1.2
Here are all available docker images in case you want to pull others too: https://hub.docker.com/u/phdrieger
Let me know if I can help you any further.