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- Posted Re: [systemd] splunk start keeps on asking to enter password on Security. 03-20-2024 10:41 AM
- Posted Bandwidth requirements for Splunk on Monitoring Splunk. 03-07-2024 08:08 AM
- Tagged Bandwidth requirements for Splunk on Monitoring Splunk. 03-07-2024 08:08 AM
- Posted Re: Priority precedence fields by sourcetype on Splunk Cloud Platform. 02-14-2024 06:08 AM
- Posted Re: Priority precedence fields by sourcetype on Splunk Cloud Platform. 02-13-2024 10:53 AM
- Posted Re: Priority precedence fields by sourcetype on Splunk Cloud Platform. 02-12-2024 02:03 PM
- Posted Re: Priority precedence fields by sourcetype on Splunk Cloud Platform. 02-12-2024 10:58 AM
- Posted Priority precedence fields by sourcetype on Splunk Cloud Platform. 02-09-2024 01:35 PM
- Tagged Priority precedence fields by sourcetype on Splunk Cloud Platform. 02-09-2024 01:35 PM
- Posted Re: Search Factor is Not MeT on Splunk Enterprise. 02-05-2024 02:06 PM
- Karma Re: Search Factor is Not MeT for scelikok. 02-05-2024 02:06 PM
- Posted Re: Search Factor is Not MeT on Splunk Enterprise. 02-05-2024 01:00 PM
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- Tagged Search Factor is Not MeT on Splunk Enterprise. 02-05-2024 11:09 AM
- Posted Search Factor is Not MeT on Splunk Enterprise. 02-05-2024 11:00 AM
- Tagged Search Factor is Not MeT on Splunk Enterprise. 02-05-2024 11:00 AM
- Posted Re: Critical System Physical Memory Usage on Monitoring Splunk. 01-02-2024 10:07 AM
- Karma Re: Splunk reports first-time run failed! for PavelP. 12-15-2023 06:49 AM
- Posted Re: Why are we receiving this ingestion latency error after updating to 8.2.1? on Splunk Enterprise. 09-25-2023 11:50 AM
- Posted How to map Fortiweb WAF Logs with Enterprise Security? on Security. 04-14-2023 10:25 AM
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10:32 AM
Thanks PeteAve! I'll try that and see what happens.....
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10:41 AM
hi, Did u find the secure solution ?? Regards
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08:25 AM
@evinasco08 It truly depends on many factors, like number of events, number of forwarders, as well as stakeholder expectations/requirements, and how much time and money you have! The blog post how's you the bandwidth usage difference between universal and heavy forwarders. Universal or Heavy, that is the question? | Splunk The general answer is it depends, however you can refer to OR
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11:26 PM
I just stumbled on this and thought I'd add a few other notes on this... with props.conf in the stanza "sourcetype" where this props.conf creates a field called "action". Just to confirm, how is the field being created? I'm assuming you mean a search time field as opposed to an index time field. Skimming the #Mimecast for Splunk app it looks like there are field aliases, and eval statements for different source types around the `action` field which are both search time... but I could be missing something. If you were instead referring to an index time transformation, not only is precedence order different, but also reingestion of data would need to happen before things take effect. Speaking of precedence order, probably time to mention that search time attributes use user / app precedence order as documented: Some effects of this is 1) your app needs to be lexographically after the app you're trying to override (precedence by name of other apps is reverse lexographic order as opposed to forward lexographic order) 2) your app needs to export the corresponding settings 3) even with all that done, your settings from other apps will lose if searches are being launched from within the mimecast app because the current app's settings gets highest precedence for the same stanza. (may or may not be an issue, I'm not familiar enough with the app to say, but it is a potential edge case). Here's where we need to address something else: Splunk Cloud doesn't allow using local folder Splunk Cloud doesn't let you upload an app with a local folder, however, Calculated fields, and field aliases are both editable via the UI, so you could actually create a local override within the context of the original TA itself via the UI and those would win. (since merging between default and local per app happens first with user/app context resolution order). No additional app needed necessarily (that gets into a long term management discussion). @richgalloway already provided an alternative solution since within props.conf, there is an additional merging between stanzas for sourcetypes, hosts, and sources... But if course need to be careful with those since you could affect other sourcetypes too. From the props.conf.spec: **[<spec>] stanza precedence:**
For settings that are specified in multiple categories of matching [<spec>]
stanzas, [host::<host>] settings override [<sourcetype>] settings.
Additionally, [source::<source>] settings override both [host::<host>]
and [<sourcetype>] settings. In either case once settings are in place on the search head, they need to be replicated to your indexers as part of the knowledge bundle before they can take effect during a search... So if you're already over the 3GB limit there need to spend some time trimming the bundle size. Seeing resolved search time precedence can be done per stanza with the properties rest endpoint on the search head, and/or the btool command. (make sure to specify the appropriate `--app` and `--user` context for correct resolution order of search time values). (And before you say but btool is an enterprise only command.. I may have brought it to Cloud as a SPL command along with a knowledge bundle utility in Admins Little Helper for Splunk ... my officially unsupported but I think its useful side project Check it out on Splunkbase: </shameless plug> ) Hope these notes help you and others in the future.
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03:58 PM
Hi @evinasco08, You can check this document;
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12:08 PM
***Notable response actions and risk response actions are always triggered for each result.
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03:55 PM
This is not a Splunk question. This is a security or Fortiweb question. But in general, map the events to the "Network Traffic" datamodel and then leverage the usecases from there (think "Splunk Security Essentials").
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01:36 PM
I need to count how many times a webhook alert action is executed, the idea is can controller if the alert was execute then doing counting, if the counting is major to 5 wont sent the alert again
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- Tags:
- alert_actions
- Labels:
alert action
01:57 PM
1 Karma
Create a field transformation with this FORMAT = $1::$2
REGEX = NSX-edge-\d+-\d+\s+([^\[]*).*\[default\]: (.*) and then a field extraction using that transformation Note that this is looking for fixed text 'NSX-edge' followed by the digit pattern, but this will extract field names loadbalancer, config and firewall with the associated field following default
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