Hi there, I have a dashboard which splits the results by day of the week, to see for example the amount of events by Days (Monday, Tuesday, ...) My request is like that: myrequest | convert timeformat="%A" ctime(_time) AS Day | chart count by Day | rename count as "SENT" | eval wd=lower(Day) | eval sort_field=case(wd=="monday",1, wd=="tuesday",2, wd=="wednesday",3, wd=="thursday",4, wd=="friday",5, wd=="saturday",6 ,wd=="sunday",7) | sort sort_field | fields - sort_field, wd Only problem with the request is that sometimes a day or two could be missing in the histogram (0 entries), and I wanted to have always the 7 days displayed (even with 0 results). Any way to do this ? Any help appreciated! (like a left join in SQL)
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