I have the following combinations of name and code:
Name Code
[fixed combination of these, like 10 or so].
For each of these Name/Code combinations, I want to run the following search and store the output to a summary index:
index=common sourcetype=web
| eval match = if((some_name_1=AAA AND some_code_1=M ) OR (some_name_2=AAA AND some_code_2=M ), 1, 0)
| eval some_name=AAA
| eval some_code=M
| bucket _time span =1h
| stats count(eval(price=1) AND NOT(some_name_2!="AAA" AND some_flag=Y) OR …..) as totalEquals, count as total by _time, some_name, some_code
| eval pct=round((totalEquals/total)*100,2)
| stats max(pct) max(total) by _time some_name some_code
| collect index=summary_index source="SOME_STATS"
I am planning to store above Name/Code combination in KV Store and iterate through the combination and pass them to the above search. Wondering what is the best way to loop through and get the results?
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