I have multiple columns in my table .Fields having values either "Yes" or "No". Yes will be displayed as check-circle icon and No will be displayed as x-circle icon.Whats the missing thing in the below js.
Eg. Wireless and VSP are the fields .Below is the js .
require([ 'underscore', 'jquery', 'splunkjs/mvc', 'splunkjs/mvc/tableview', 'splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!' ], function(_, $, mvc, TableView) { // Translations from rangemap results to CSS class var ICONS = {
No: 'x-circle',
Yes: 'check-circle'
var RangeMapIconRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({
canRender: function(cell) {
// Only use the cell renderer for the range field
return cell.field === 'Wireless';
render: function($td, cell) {
var icon = 'question';
// Fetch the icon for the value
if (ICONS.hasOwnProperty(cell.value)) {
icon = ICONS[cell.value];
// Create the icon element and add it to the table cell
$td.addClass('icon').html(_.template('<i class="icon-<%-icon%> <%- Wireless %>" title="<%- Wireless %>"></i>', {
icon: icon,
Wireless: cell.value
var RangeMapIconRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({ canRender: function(cell) { // Only use the cell renderer for the range field
return cell.field === 'VSP';
render: function($td, cell) {
var icon = 'question';
// Fetch the icon for the value
if (ICONS.hasOwnProperty(cell.value)) {
icon = ICONS[cell.value];
// Create the icon element and add it to the table cell
$td.addClass('icon').html(_.template('', { icon: icon,
VSP: cell.value
// Register custom cell renderer, the table will re-render automatically
tableView.addCellRenderer(new RangeMapIconRenderer());
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