Could not find the TA for cisco cdr app in the base apps
As an update - although the TA_cisco_cdr used to ship dormant within the main cisco_cdr app, earlier this year it was moved out of there, and instead it now just lives on Splunkbase -
So you can now download it from Splunkbase as a TA_cisco_cdr.tar.gz file and then deploy it (via your method of choice) to any Splunk UF's or HF's that will be forwarding Callmanager CDR data.
NOTE: The TA itself is dual-licensed - If you just want to use the TA to onboard the CSV data correctly, that's fine by us and the license agreement on Splunkbase is our Sideview Free Internal Use License Agreement.
On the other hand if you're a customer of ours deploying it along with the main "Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics" app, in that case the relevant license and support terms are elsewhere.
And in the middle, if this is all news to you - definitely take a look Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics ( ). You can download and setup a free 90 day trial of it in only about 30 minutes. Full install docs are here:
and of course contact us with any questions at all. There's a #cisco_cdr channel on the Splunk slack and you can reach out to us at info [at]
As you mentioned, when you download the Cisco CDR app, there's two easy ways to get the TA out of it.
The first is to use your choice of utilities (7-zip, tar, whatever you have available) to extract the app to a folder. Inside that folder will the the TA.
The second is to just "install the app" in Splunk. Once that's done, in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/cisco_cdr directory you will find that same TA_cisco_cdr folder.
You can see another description of this process in the Cisco CDR docs.
And sorry! Nick or I would have answered this immediately, but it wasn't tagged with the Cisco CDR app (which I'll edit the post and add that for future searching ease).
It resides within the cisco_cdr app