Sharing some best practices in building dashboards. Hope this helps you optimize your dashboard.
Global Searches
Reduce number of searches in dashboards where possible, use global searches with post processing to avoid the same data being requested multiple times.
Saved searches.
It always offer the best performance as Splunk will check to see if the same search is already being executed or if it has any saved results and use those. If you just put an inline search then every time the dashboard is loaded it will execute the search, that means that if 4 users access the same dashboard it will fire 4 times. If it was a saved search then all 4 users would load the 1 set of search results.
Reports Acceleration
If your report has a large number of events and is slow to complete when you run it, you may be able to accelerate it so it completes faster when you run it in the future.
Scheduled Search and Summary Indexing
You use summary indexing when you need to perform analysis/reports on large amounts of data over long timespans, which typically can be quite time consuming, and a drain on performance if several users are running similar reports on a regular basis.
Search Macros
Use macro commands to reduce the length of search queries, improve readability and consistency between searches.Reference:
For static set of types, labels, values or thresholds setup lookup definitions linked to static lookup files. Use these fast lookups in dropdowns or to enrich existing data.Reference:
Accelerate Data Model
Data model acceleration is a tool that you can use to speed up data models that represent extremely large datasets. After acceleration, pivots based on accelerated data model datasets complete quicker than they did before, as do reports and dashboard panels that are based on those pivots.
Dashboard Visualizations
Keep it simple, stick to Simple XML dashboards where possible and Advanced for specific requirements. Install Splunk’s Dashboard example apps and learn to use them effectively.
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