I had this error below:
search:262 - reason="Search not executed: Dispatch Manager: The minimum free disk space (5000MB) reached for /opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/dispatch. user=admin.", concurrency_category="historical", concurrency_context="user_instance-wide", current_concurrency=0, concurrency_limit=5000
I do not want to change the limit 5000MB.
I already had deleted some logs in /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk like metrics.log.* but it did not resolve the issue.
Also try the clean-dispatch command, and also deleted the files inside the /opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/dispatch.
Is there any suggestion you could share with me excluding the change the set limit of 5000MB?
Hi @jaracan
Please execute the commands in the terminal
## Fix minimum free diskspace issue - only for lab environment not for production
echo "[diskUsage]" >> /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/server.conf
echo "minFreeSpace = 50" >> /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/server.conf
After this restart the splunk service
Another option is to configure logrotate to both rotate and compress your Splunk log files, then blacklist .gz files.
Best answer: redo your search head so that /opt/splunk/var
is in its own disk volume so that nothing else can take up this space. Some people even go so var as to put /opt/splunk/var/run/dispatch
into its own volume.
The next best answer: add more disk space to to the volume that contains the dispatch
OK answer: Reduce the TTL for search artifacts so things auto-purge more quickly as described here: https://www.splunk.com/blog/2012/09/12/how-long-does-my-search-live-default-search-ttl.html
The WORST answer: reduce this quota in Settings
-> Server settings
-> General settings
-> Pause indexing if free disk space (in MB) falls below
Thanks for the answers...and the pun 😉
see here:
there are more answers about this subject
Can you check "Indexing: Indexes and volumes" page in monitoring console to get more details?
Also you can try to adjust no of concurrent searches in limits.conf
Hi p_gurav,
The search capability is disabled.
Also, can you specify which parameter/attribute in limits.conf should I adjust?