@fajri1203 Try search-time approach, UF is a universal forwarder not applicable for your case. I wonder Add-on Microsoft Cloud Services don't have the extraction by default. You have to configure props.conf, and transforms.conf on search-head (SH) under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/<app_name>/local OR $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local. If you are having SH cluster and using SH deployer you must know how to bundle push or contact your splunk admin. In standalone splunk SH the restart is required post changes. [mscs:storage:blob] REPORT-extract-csv-fields = extract-csv-fields [extract-csv-fields] DELIMS="," FIELDS = "pluginid","alertRef","alert","name","riskcode","confidence","riskdesc","confidencedesc","desc","instances","count","solution","otherinfo","reference","cweid","wascid","sourceid"
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