Hi - Is there a way to get 2 nonstream Searches to run in parallel in the same SPL? I am using "appendcols", but I think one is waiting for the other to finish. I can't use multisearch as I don't have stream commands. The issue is displaying the license used by Splunk and I want to run 2 SPL in parallel. However, it's very slow to run if I run 2 in sequence. Thanks in advance for any help index=_internal
[ `set_local_host`] source=*license_usage.log* type="Usage"
| eval h=if(len(h)=0 OR isnull(h),"(SQUASHED)",h)
| eval s=if(len(s)=0 OR isnull(s),"(SQUASHED)",s)
| eval idx=if(len(idx)=0 OR isnull(idx),"(UNKNOWN)",idx)
| bin _time span=1d
| stats sum(b) as b by _time, pool, s, st, h, idx
| search pool = "*"
| search idx != "mlc_log_drop"
| timechart span=1d sum(b) AS Live_Data fixedrange=false
| fields - _timediff
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=round('<<FIELD>>'/1024/1024/1024, 3)]
| appendcols
[ search index=_internal
[ `set_local_host`] source=*license_usage.log* type="Usage"
| eval h=if(len(h)=0 OR isnull(h),"(SQUASHED)",h)
| eval s=if(len(s)=0 OR isnull(s),"(SQUASHED)",s)
| eval idx=if(len(idx)=0 OR isnull(idx),"(UNKNOWN)",idx)
| bin _time span=1d
| stats sum(b) as b by _time, pool, s, st, h, idx
| search pool = "*"
| search idx = "mlc_log_drop"
| timechart span=1d sum(b) AS Log_Drop_Data fixedrange=false
| fields - _timediff
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=round('<<FIELD>>'/1024/1024/1024, 3)]]
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