I have sources that contain white spaces and I wand to count them
What is the regex to find all the sources with spaces ?
Hi @sarit_s ,
to help you, it's manadatory a sample of your logs, anyway, you can use the other chars to extract a regex.
So, if you want to extract the folder from this log:
2023-08-02 host1 11.11.11 path="C:\Program Files\folder 1\my_file.docx",
you could try something like this:
| rex "path\=\".*\\(?<folder>[^\\]+)\\\w+\.\w+\""
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/i6V2W4/1
Thanks for your reply
this is an example of my path:
C:\Projects\API Managment Logging\Logs\*.txt
Also, the regex you attached is invalid 😞
also , maybe I wasn't clear enough
I want to count all the hosts that have sources with spaces
I don't want to extract the folder, I just need to know how many sources with white space I have
Hi @sarit_s ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
| regex source="\s"