Hello, everyone!
I have search, which ends in such way
| table id, name
| outputlookup my_lookup.csv
so my search get such results
id | name |
1 | John |
2 | Mark |
3 | James |
Now, I want to record only NEW id's from search to lookup, which weren't there
Is it possible to make without reworking search?
You should remove any results which are already in your lookup.
append true makes dublicates, is it possible to avoid it?
maybe any other solution?
Yes, as I said, remove the duplicates before the outputlookup.
It does depend on how you generate the events you want to add to the lookup.
Hi @bosseres,
you have two choices:
For the second choice, please try this:
<your_search> NOT [ | inputlookup my_lookup.csv | fields name ]
| table id, name
| outputlookup my_lookup.csv append=true
Ye, I thought about it, but...
first one choice is not suit to me, because I need to make big time range of search to collect of actual id's.
about second one I thought, but i am afraid of some id's can be changed, so better to recollect them