Hi Splunkers,
one great way to bring additional information into your data is the use of lookups.
One problem I found regarding this was the data for the lookups was changing dynamically.
I had the requirement to build lookups for dynamic data several times and decided to build some type of automation.
The result was a script which I'd like to introduce here in case some else could find this useful. It could be used as some kind of template. The functions itself have to be written individual. I commented the script itself so there shouldn't be a need to explain it.
# This script automatically fills lookupfiles for your Splunk app.
# Call the script with the filename of the lookupfile you'd like to fill.
# Lookupfiles must be located in the lookups-folder of your app.
# Exampl0e: fill_lookups.sh hostnames.csv
# author at splunkbase: christian_l
# location of the splunk app folder
# count the lines before the update
LINES_BEFORE=`wc -l $LOOKUP_FILE | cut -d' ' -f1`
# create a backup of the lookupfile
# the following functions are doing the real work. They have to be developed for your individual needs.
# I'll give two examples, one for a SQL-DB lookup to fill the file, and a second which fills the file
# from content and filename of multiple files.
# SQL-query example
function hostname_lookup() {
# SQL-host variables
# write the header line which describes the column content
echo "hostname,hostip,location,device" > $LOOKUP_FILE
# build the query and send it to SQL-Server
mysql -u $USER -h $HOST -p$PASSWORD --execute "SELECT a.host, b.hostip, b.location, c.device AS delete_row
FROM host-db a, ip-list b, host-models c
WHERE a.host = b.hostname
AND a.host NOT LIKE 'staging';" | grep -v "delete_row" >> $LOOKUP_FILE
# manual corrections by sed
# delete the splunkhost from the file
sed -i '/splunkhost/d' $LOOKUP_FILE
# replace a device-name
sed -i 's/WRT54G$/OpenWRT-device/g' $LOOKUP_FILE
# replace the tabs from the SQL-query with spaces and optimize comma-usage
sed -i 's/\t/,/g' $LOOKUP_FILE
sed -i 's/,\s/,/g' $LOOKUP_FILE
# gather the information from several .txt files in the sources folder
# the information is located in the filenames itself and in the content of the txt-files
function hostname2_lookup {
# write the header line which describes the column content
echo "hostname,hostip,location,device" > $LOOKUP_FILE
for FILENAME_COMPLETE in $APP_PATH/lookups/sources/*.txt
LOCATION=`echo $FILENAME | cut -d'-' -f3-9 | cut -d'.' -f1`
while read LINE;
HOSTNAME=`echo $LINE | cut -d ' ' -f1`
HOSTIP=`echo $LINE | cut -d' ' -f2`
DEVICE=`echo $LINE | cut -d' ' -f3-4`
# manual corrections
sed -i 's/Long\,Island\,/Long-Island\,Long-Island\,/g' $LOOKUP_FILE
case "$1" in
# convert lookup file splunk-readable
iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 $LOOKUP_FILE > $LOOKUP_FILE.tmp
# replace old lookup-file with the new, currently generated version
# count lines after update
LINES_AFTER=`wc -l $LOOKUP_FILE | cut -d' ' -f1`
# calculate difference
# write information about changes into the splunk index
if [ $DIFFERENCE -ge 0 ] ; then
echo "Lookup-File $1 was updated. $DIFFERENCE lines were added."
echo "Lookup-File $1 was updated. $DIFFERENCE lines were removed."
exit 0
Next step is to run the script automatically. It would be possible to schedule it per crontab. But I'd prefer a way which doesn't need a part outside Splunk so I can deploy the app without doing additional changes on the operating-system-level.
I decided to run the script via a scripted input. One additional feature this method brings is to write the update-information (at the bottom of the script) into a index. This information can then be used for a Splunk alert - for example if more than 20 lines were removed from the lookupfile.
The content of the inputs.conf for this could look like the following:
# fill_lookups.sh isn't a real input script - just scheduled to renew the lookup data
[script://./bin/fill_lookups.sh hostnames.csv]
disabled = 0
interval = 1 20 * * *
host = splunk
source = lookup-filler
sourcetype = lookup
index = MyAppIndex
That's all!
Feel free to give feedback and improvement-suggestions.
Thank you.
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