I am trying to take 2 "user" fields that comes from the same sourcetype and give them the same alias. I have 2 fields, "cUser" and jUser. I want them both to point to "remote_user"
The problem is that only one of these works (c_user). My props.conf includes the following:
FIELDALIAS-extractUser = jUser AS remote_user
FIELDALIAS-extractUser = cUser AS remote_user
You gave both aliases the same name! Try this:
FIELDALIAS-extractUser1 = jUser AS remote_user
FIELDALIAS-extractUser2 = cUser AS remote_user
Although that may not work either, depending on the actual data in the events. Do you have any events that have both fields jUser
and cUser
We want to FIELDALIAS srcip and destip to ip (both, at the same time) - so ip would become a multi-value field, is this possible?
What you are trying to achieve could be done using an EVAL rather than a FIELDALIAS in your props.conf
You gave both aliases the same name! Try this:
FIELDALIAS-extractUser1 = jUser AS remote_user
FIELDALIAS-extractUser2 = cUser AS remote_user
Although that may not work either, depending on the actual data in the events. Do you have any events that have both fields jUser
and cUser
Is it possible this method no longer works?
I tried this one, but Spunk always fills up the field remote_user with the last entry appeared - in the above example with the values of cUser.
This happens even if I use different class-definitions.
Same problem here, I defined different names but it does not work as expected
Does not work for me either ... does anyone have an idea about how to solve this issue?
Anyone every resolve this?? I have the same problem.
🙂 I actually tried this right after I posted it. I was confused by the use of "class", thank you!
Hi , I've a same scenario where the events has both fileds jUser and cUser. So , how can I use the alias name?