Dear Team,
Splunk version - 7.0.1
ES version - 4.7.4
After patching activity, i have rebooted the Splunk cluster servers, ES search heads, Indexers and clustermaster, deployment server.
After rebooting, ES is not showcasing Notables. and it is not even showcasing results for notables macro.
Error coming as "Error in 'lookup' command: Lookups: The lookup table 'notable_xref_lookup' does not exist or is not available."
query: $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk search "| rest /services/server/info splunk_server=* | fields splunk_server, kvStoreStatus"
I have checked the clustermaster for kvstore results:
clustermaster failed
deployment server failed
deployeres1 failed
non-es failed
EnterPrise security Search Head Instances are-------- starting
idx 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ready
Can any one help me here.
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