We are sending RSA secureid logs to syslog then using a Universal Forwarder to send to a Heavy Forwarder which then sends everything to Splunk Cloud. All that works fine except for the host name in splunk if using the standard inputs.conf entry of host_segment=x because the file produced by rsa is todays' date ex: 2018-01-22 so that becomes the host.
I have looked at doing regex extractions, but there are two ip's side by side and the regex returns extra garbage as well. I removed the host_segment component by everything now has the Universal Forwarder name as the host (which it should). I followed this link: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/425848/how-to-set-host-from-an-extracted-field.html and still get only the UF as the host so I'm looking for some help from the community. A sample of the log file:
Jan 22 18:42:30 2018-01-22 18: 42:30,628, , audit.runtime.com.rsa.ims.authn.impl.AuthenticationBrokerImpl, INFO, e557de7144271b0a1923ceae96e5d594,eb5901ed44271b0a08022c8910d01e29,,,AUTHN_LOGIN_EVENT,13002,SUCCESS,AUTHN_METHOD_SUCCESS,e51fd3fb44271b0a19221f45f6896695-TBO8ACj0TWh7,0b3e94e944271b0a1b44c6d742dc0057,6e14e43644271b0a1b1d3a065fe5da7f,000000000000000000001000e0011000,aegariba,Ashley,Garibaldi,3bcfac6e44271b0a1ba38a9b14338de7,000000000000000000001000e0011000,,tcblap13.ad.texaschildrenshospital.org,7,000000000000000000002000f1022000,SecurID_Native,,,AUTHN_LOGIN_EVENT,5,1,,,,,55dc625944271b0a1994cfc708171ab3,xxxxxxx16440
Jan 22 18:43:53 2018-01-22 18: 43:53,647, , audit.admin.com.rsa.authmgr.internal.admin.principalmgt.impl.AMPrincipalAdministrationImpl, INFO, 39a2797444271b0a1a7aa7418ac85efa,eb5901ed44271b0a08022c8910d01e29,,,UPDATE_AM_PRINCIPAL,20002,SUCCESS,,,,,,,,,,PRINCIPAL,d8e2bab244271b0a1c2f73c87092dd83,6e14e43644271b0a1b1d3a065fe5da7f,000000000000000000001000e0011000,rmvadala,,,,,,
Sometime the second IP can also be a FQDN entry, not often but every so often its there the second entry is missing the calling_ip hence the ,, (it is not always this IP, that would be too easy).
For the transforms this is what is in play:
FIELDS = "syslog_header", "milliseconds", "unused21", "logger_name", "log_level", "unused22", "unused23", "client_ip", "server_ip", "vendor_event_type", "unused24", "vendor_action", "vendor_action_description", "session_id", "actor_guid", "unused27", "unused28", "user_name", "user_first_name", "user_last_name", "agent_guid", "unused210", "agent_ip", "agent_name", "agent_type", "unused214", "authentication_type", "unused215", "authentication_description","argument1","argument2","argument3","argument4","argument5","argument6","argument7","argument8","argument9","argument10"
DELIMS = ","
SOURCE_KEY = server_ip (This is created in a FIELDS extraction above)
REGEX = (.*)
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
Only Local;
TRANSFORMS-rsahost = rsa_host_name
TRANSFORMS-rsahost = rsa_host_name
TRANSFORMS-rsahost = rsa_host_name
The default props uses the same field server_ip for CIM renames:
FIELDALIAS-dest = server_ip as dest
FIELDALIAS-dvc = server_ip as dvc
Everything looks good in Btool
On start-up receive this:
Undocumented key used in transforms.conf; stanza='rsa_host_name' setting='SOURCE_KEY' key='server_ip'
Based upon the error it doesn't like SOURCE_KEY
What values should I be using so I can use server_ip as my host name?
Thanks in advance!
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