Thank you for this in-depth write up. I observe our indexers at values slightly below and sometimes above 5k, and we still have that setting on the default, auto, which limits.conf.spec explains as: When set to 'auto', the Splunk platform will tune this setting based on the physical RAM present in the server at startup. Our indexers have enough ram to support increasing this value. Is there a way to see what it's currently effectively set to, to estimate the room for improvement there? Btool says it's "auto", and I couldn't find anything logged in _internal, e.g. on indexer restart in the loader component. btool outputs a setting max_mem_usage_mb under the input_channels stanza, is that used in combination with max_inactive = auto? Should I just increase max_mem_usage_mb, which by default is 200? Furthermore, can you explain what the other stats mean? I understand new_channels means number of new tuples that has been created, either because it hadn't been used at all previously (e.g. new file) or because the channel hadn't been used in a while, the limit for open channels had been reached and an inactive channel was therefore closed and needs to be reopened. I guess I also understand that inactive_channels is the number of channels currently not actively sending data (probably inactive since inactive_eligibility_age_seconds?). But what's the difference between a removed, timed out, reclaimed and abandoned channel? I'm looking for clues about why we have a lot of new channels - is it because we remove channels too early, or are we actually receiving many net new tuples - and if I knew which of these numbers tell me what happens in my environment, I could make an informed decision whether increasing the number of channels is going to help.
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