I am trying to use the latest "Value" from the last Added/Updated Registry Key but however it took in the oldest result instead... How do I fix this?
My query:
| eval _time = strftime(_time,"%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S")
| where (registry_type="SetValue" AND data!="") OR registry_type="DeleteKey"
| eval Data=if(data="", "NA", data)
| eventstats last(Data) as latestdata by key_path
| eval Data=if(Data="NA", latestdata, Data)
| eval Action=if(registry_type="SetValue", "Added/Updated Registry Key", "Removed Registry Key")
| where Data != "NA"
| table _time, Action, key_path, Data
| rename key_path AS "Key" Data AS "Value" _time AS "Time"
My intended result should be "TestData oh" in the first row but however it took in the oldest data which is "TestData"
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