Okay, first, if you're looking at 30m increments, you are probably not looking for a real time search. How fast will the person have to respond? What is the actual SLA? if they don't have to respond to an alert within 5m, then you want a scheduled search.
Second, is your 30 minute window a rolling window, or a fixed window?
It's expensive to go back and do things a second or third time. Just get the data all at the same time. What I would tend to do for what you talked about is this -
your search that gets the events for the last 90 minutes
| rename COMMENT as "divide up the three time periods"
| addinfo
| eval timeframe= ceiling((_time - info_min_time)/1800)
| rename COMMENT as "set up all the fields you need to stats the three periods"
| command = (whatever the command was)
| errorMessage = coalesce( whatever the error message was, "(NONE)")
| stats count as totalCount by command errorMessage timeframe
Now you have records for each combination of time period, command and error message, with "(NONE)" for records with no errors.
| rename COMMENT as "find total of records for each command for each timeframe "
| eventstats sum(totalcount) as commandcount by command timeframe
| rename COMMENT as "set the _time to the end of the three time periods"
| eval _time=_info_min_time + 1800*timeframe
Now you can look at the absolute number and/or percentage of errors in each timeframe that are not "(NONE)" and see whether you have a consistent error condition. One way would be to do this.
| eval errorpercent= totalCount /commandcount
| eventstats min(errorpercent) as minpercent max(errorpercent) as maxpercent by command
| where ... minpercent and maxpercent match some criterial you set.
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