I have a really weird problem. I have 3 users that cannot see the results on a dashboard that i've created, it says "No results found". When I click on open in search and run it there the results come in. I looked into job, inspect and cannot find anything that why this is happening.
When I inspect the job this is what I get:
This search has completed and found 594 matching events. However, the transforming commands in the highlighted portion of the following search:
search index="pas" host="pa1pv" Name="C:" OR Name="D:" OR Name="E:" OR Name="P:" FreeSpace | eval DiskFreeSpace = round((FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024), 2) | eval DiskSpace = round((Size/1024/1024/1024),2) | rename Name AS Disk host AS Host | table Host,Disk,DiskSpace,DiskFreeSpace | dedup Disk
over the time range:
5/28/18 11:00:00.000 AM – 5/29/18 11:43:24.000 AM
generated no results. Possible solutions are to:
check the syntax of the commands
verify that the fields expected by the report commands are present in the events
The following messages were returned by the search subsystem:
INFO: No matching fields exist.
User has the same privileges as me and by the way the highlighted part is | table Host,Disk,DiskSpace,DiskFreeSpace | dedup Disk
Next I decided to take the source code for the dashboard and created the same dashboard with a different name but this time i had the user create the dashboard, and the result was the same. Then i thought maybe there is a problem with extractions, so I found another dashboard with no extractions on it and had the user create the same dashboard and still issue was there. When the user goes to dashboard, it gets "No results found" but when opening the same dashboard search from search, the results come in.
And for the failing dashboards when I look into jobs, it is always the same error as above and usually the error is in table command.
Next, I looked into search log for the query that runs under jobs and I looked for Error and the only difference that I can find from the logs between the same job that I ran and the user ran is below:
ERROR SearchResultsWriter - Unable to open output file: path=C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\run\splunk\dispatch\_dmVlcmFuamFuZXl1bHUubWFra2VuYS5jd0BjYXJseWxlLmNvbQ_dmVlcmFuamFuZXl1bHUubWFra2VuYS5jd0BjYXJseWxlLmNvbQ__search__search1_1527608604.658154\prereport_99d3ce4676a3f904_0.csv.gz.ED59C342-22E5-470D-B6C0-89CD922229FB.tmp error=The system cannot find the path specified.
But then when I search this error on the web it talks about character limit etc which does not apply to me.
Like I said the user has the same access as I have and if he didn't he wouldn't be able to see the dashboards or antyhing
Our Environment is AD auth integrated.
I know that it will be very hard to pinpoint the issue here, but I am curious to see if anyone had a similar issue like I have and know where to look or know of any other additional troubleshooting steps that I need to perform.
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