Hi Splunkers, Happy Holidays!!!. I am trying to create a dashboard on Log Volume Monitoring. I am using ML Toolkit and need help with my search. | tstats count WHERE index=index_name BY index _time span=1h | eval date=strftime(_time,"%m/%d/%Y") | lookup Paid_Holidays.csv holiday_date as date OUTPUT is_holiday | eval day_of_week = strftime(_time,"%A") | where NOT (day_of_week="Saturday" OR day_of_week="Sunday") | where NOT is_holiday=1 | `forecastviz(245, 240, "count", 93)` | eval isOutlier = if(prediction!="" AND 'count' != "" AND ('count' < 'lower95(prediction)' OR 'count' > 'upper95(prediction)'), 1, 0) | where isOutlier=1 | eval today = relative_time(now(),"-1h@h") | where isOutlier=1 AND _time >= today | where count < 'lower95(prediction)' | fields - isOutlier The highlighted and underlined part is where I am having issue. I need to alert only when the count is less than the predicted in the next hour as well. The current scenario alerts frequently and I need to constrict it so it alerts only when the count is less continuously for the next hour as well. Can someone help me with my query?
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