easy peasy ...
[ Your search that finds user1 creating user2 | table _time user1 user2 | eval rectype="create"]
[ Your search that finds user1 adding user2 to group2 | table _time user1 user2 group2 | eval rectype="group"]
[ Your search that finds user1 becoming user2 | table _time user1 user2 | eval rectype= "switch"]
| stats values(rectype) as rectype, min(_time) as starttime, values(group) as group, range(_time) as duration by user1 user2|
| where mvcount(rectype)=3
Note that to use multisearch , all of the individual commands use to find the various records must be distributed streaming type commands. If you must use any commands that cannot be distributed, then you need to do something like
( Your search that finds user1 creating user2 ) OR
(Your search that finds user1 adding user2 to group2) OR
(Your search that finds user1 becoming user2)
| eval rectype=case(something that figures out search 1, "create",
something that figures out group 2, "group",
something that figures out group 3, "switch",
true(), "booboo")
| eval user1=coalesce(fieldfrom group1, field from group2, field from group3)
| eval user2=coalesce(fieldfrom group1, field from group2, field from group3)
| eval group2=(field from group2)
| stats values(rectype) as rectype, min(_time) as starttime, values(group) as group, range(_time) as duration by user1 user2|
| where mvcount(rectype)=3 OR rectype="booboo"
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