How do I create an extract that handles variable numbers of fields.
I am generating events that are time stamped Python dictionaries. The list of items are emitted to the event using Python logging where everything in curly brackets was from a single Python dictionary. The dictionary is rendered using built-in rend(d) where d is a dict. The list of items in the {} brackets are variable, and the order of items is arbitrary.
2013/07/18 19:51:00.090 UTC [DssSplunkHostAgent] INFO: {'rtime': 31556.303133832, 'ABI': 32, 'egid': 20000, 'uid': 101, 'mrcv': 0, 'pctcpu': 0.0, 'pctmem': 0.5523681640625, 'args': 'python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning -m DssCore', 'pid': 9452, 'Taskname': 'DssCore', 'start': datetime.datetime(2013, 7, 18, 11, 5, 5, 785854), 'gid': 20000, 'euid': 101, 'fname': 'python', 'time': 1.244510313, 'oublk': 0, 'dmodel': 1, 'inblk': 0, 'ppid': 9289, 'msnd': 0, 'ctime': 256.16}
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