I found a work-around with the sub-search in the beginning... but I am open to more graceful and creative ways of doing this... as this is incredibly clunky
splunk_server=indexer* index=wsi sourcetype=fdpwsiperf (channel_type=ofx2 OR agent_service=OfxAgent) domain=tax
api_version=v1 capability=* tax_year=2019 partnerId!=*test*
[search splunk_server=indexer* index=wsi sourcetype=fdpwsiperf (channel_type=ofx2 OR agent_service=OfxAgent) domain=tax
api_version=v1 capability=* tax_year=2019 partnerId!=*test* partnerId=*
| lookup Provider_Alert.csv Provider_ID AS partnerId OUTPUT Tier Form_Type
| search Tier=Tier1
| eval error_category=case(like(http_status_code_host,"5%"), "5XX", like(http_status_code_host,"4%"),"4XX",
http_error_host=timeout_event, 'http_error_host', 1==1, "Other")
| chart dc(intuit_tid) OVER partnerId by error_category
| addtotals fieldname="total_events"
| eval error_rate=round(((total_events-Other)/total_events)*100,2)
| where total_events >= 25 AND error_rate >= 40
| fields partnerId]
| lookup Provider_Alert.csv Provider_ID AS partnerId OUTPUT Tier Form_Type
| search Tier=Tier1
| eval capability=if(like(capability,"109%"),"1099",'capability')
| eval error_category=case(like(http_status_code_host,"5%"), "5XX", like(http_status_code_host,"4%"),"4XX", http_error_host="Read
timed out", 'http_error_host', 1==1, "Other")
| where error_category!="Other"
| table _time, partnerId, intuit_tid, error_category, capability, tax_year, ofx_appid, host_base_url
| sort 10 - _time
| rename intuit_tid as TRNUID
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