I have a log which contains entries like the following:
(3/07/12 13:13:09) 8856: < RingBufferModule::initialize()
(3/07/12 13:13:09) 8857: Finished init of: 'RingBufferLoggingAppender'
(3/07/12 13:13:09) 8858: Initializing 'AudioPathController'
(3/07/12 13:13:09) 8859: Unable to find value for key: 'SrxSupervisorAudioEnable'
The date component is day/month/year. So in the above example, we have the 3rd July 2012. As you can see, the day of month (i.e. 3 in the above example) does not contain a leading zero. According to strptime, %d represents 01-31 and there seems to be nothing for 1-31. I've tried the following in props.conf but to no avail:
TIME_FORMAT=%d%m/%g %H:%M:%S
Any suggestions to this would be appreciated.
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