Hi Ninjas,
I have a search which produces a bar chart comparing four different fields week over week:
index=foo conversion_source=Online OR conversion_source=Offline
| bin span=1w _time
| chart sum(ABC) AS ABC sum(DEF) AS DEF sum(GHI) AS GHI sum(JKL) AS JKL over _time by conversion_source
| transpose
| search column!=_*
| rename "row 1" AS "Current Week" "row 2" AS "Past Week" column AS "Conversion Source"
Here is the bar chart:
It is ok but the customer wants something a little fancier, like a Bubble Chart or a Punchcard, e.g.
To use the Punchard viz, I need to re-format the output from the following:
Conversion Source Current Week Past Week
ABC: Offline 40262 37334
ABC: Online 36997 36233
DEF: Offline 253865 216674
DEF: Online 561871 572597
GHI: Offline 356971 398079
GHI: Online 243909 226444
JKL: Offline 1275880 1284603
JKL: Online 1225050 1165302
to this:
date type count
Current Week ABC: Offline 40262
Current Week ABC: Online 36997
Current Week DEF: Offline 253865
Current Week DEF: Online 561871
Current Week GHI: Offline 356971
Current Week GHI: Online 243909
Current Week JKL: Offline 1275880
Current Week JKL: Online 1225050
Past Week ABC: Offline 37334
Past Week ABC: Online 36233
Past Week DEF: Offline 216674
Past Week DEF: Online 572597
Past Week GHI: Offline 398079
Past Week GHI: Online 226444
Past Week JKL: Offline 1284603
Past Week JKL: Online 1165302
I would greatly appreciate any tips on how to achieve this new tabular output.
Thanks in advance,
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