You are confusing thing, let's try to clarify:
when using stats by , the stats will only group things by the selected field, if the field is present.
The fillnull command creates value for fields that don't exist on the event, by default it populates with "0", but you can speficy any value.
Now, if you look your searches, the first thing I noticed is the lookup command. Looks like you're using the CSV file instead of the lookup definition, that's the reason why the "Default Value" from the lookup definition is not been used. Well, ignoring that and focusing on the fillnull only, at the second command, you're grouping by "value2replacelookup_RHS_2takenOut_CatchThis", but your fillnull is populating "value2replacelookup". Try update it like that:
index=_internal sourcetype="splunk_web_access" | lookup ABasicLookupFoSplunkOnMyMachine_2takenOutButCatchThis.csv value2lookup | fillnull value="Not Resolved" value2replacelookup_RHS_2takenOut_CatchThis | stats values(status) by value2replacelookup_RHS_2takenOut_CatchThis
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