Activity Feed
- Got Karma for Re: Slow transactions. 10-12-2022 10:39 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Server Monitoring Parameters. 05-05-2020 03:05 PM
- Got Karma for Re: SAML Attributes don't get updated in the Controller. 02-12-2020 08:55 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Alerts not triggering when the from and to address domains are same in Appdynamics saas controll. 02-12-2020 01:53 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Restore Controller Database. 02-10-2020 10:33 PM
- Got Karma for Re: How to get the slowest database calls from Appdynamics Java SDK?. 02-10-2020 06:38 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Getting Exception While Installing Controller by Enterprise Console. 01-08-2020 03:42 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Email template custom variables don´t appear on already created action. 01-08-2020 03:41 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Current logon users on AppDynamics console. 08-22-2019 08:46 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Business transactions with 95%, Average Response Time and Normal Average response time. 05-03-2019 01:27 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Current logon users on AppDynamics console. 01-17-2019 12:57 AM
- Posted Re: Current logon users on AppDynamics console on Splunk AppDynamics. 01-17-2019 12:56 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Suggestions for Role and Group configurations. 01-14-2019 12:38 PM
- Got Karma for Re: Email alert when no transactions logged. 12-14-2018 03:17 AM
- Posted Re: 401 unauthorized in Rest Api on Splunk AppDynamics. 11-26-2018 04:03 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Error while License count extraction through REST API. 10-26-2018 09:38 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Creation of Dashboard. 10-09-2018 10:40 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Using Swagger API. 10-02-2018 01:30 PM
- Got Karma for Re: How to get the slowest database calls from Appdynamics Java SDK?. 09-24-2018 09:53 AM
- Posted Re: How to get the slowest database calls from Appdynamics Java SDK? on Splunk AppDynamics. 09-23-2018 10:38 PM
Topics I've Started
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12:56 AM
2 Karma
The suggestion is only applicable for on-prem controller and not for SaaS controllers. For SaaS controller, we are still dependent on the audit report which shows the login and logout action if the user clicks on logout action.
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04:03 AM
Hi Shruti,
Either you can use RBAC API to create a local user or you can navigate to setting symbol (top right side) -> Administration and create a user.
Note: To use the RBAC REST API, you must be the account owner or have administer user permission.
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10:38 PM
2 Karma
Hi Ajinkya,
You may navigate to Transaction Snapshots -> Slow & Error Transactions, here either you can filter on slow or very slow transactions or double-click on any of the required slow or very slow transaction -> drill down to the transaction -> call graph -> click on JDBC link.
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10:05 PM
Hi Aaron,
Currently, the feature request is with the project management team and they will be further prioritizing it. We do not see any updated ETA regarding the request
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05:10 AM
1 Karma
Once you login user will be created in the system. If you change any of the attributes it will create a new user. You can delete an existing user with the REST API.
Please refer following document and below description -
curl -X DELETE -u user1@customer1 http(s)://<controller-host>:<controller-port>/controller/api/rbac/v1/users/<user-id>
Replace user1 with your Admin user, customer1 with your account name, <controller-host> with the actual host and <controller-port> with the actual port. Replace the <user-id> with the ID which you want to delete. To get the User ID run the following query. Select id, name, email, security_provider_type from user where name=<user-name> and account_id=2 and security_provider_type = 'SAML'; Replace <User-name> with the name of the user which you want to delete. The above query will return the Id of the user, use that ID and execute the rest API.
- Thanks
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09:33 PM
Hi ,
The health rules will be evaluated every minute. We can configure the wait time window if we want to get alerted if the violation continues. Let's say we configured it 5 min. If a Health Rule Violation status remains unchanged (Critical or Warning), wait "5" minutes, if set then if the health rule violation continues for the next five minutes then the policies and in turn, the actions associated to the policies (email in your case) are triggered.
Accordingly, we need to configure the linked policy and check all the events on which we need an alert.
If you have further queries, could you share the screenshot of the full health rule configuration?
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08:52 PM
Hi Josh,
We need the exact SaaS URL you are hitting to check if there is an issue with the SaaS controller. Could you provide us the correct SaaS URL?
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02:45 AM
Hi Trevor,
You can create a policy using REST API by opening Swagger UI (instructions here). Next, search for Policies API POST request. Please see the attached screenshot.
Find the attributes to pass under the following link.
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05:32 AM
Hi Alicia,
Health rule cannot be created through REST API, though we can import and export the health rule.
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09:22 PM
Hi Ahmed,
You may change your Controller profile on the Platform Configurations pages of the Enterprise Console GUI, either before or after you upgrade your Controller. This process is not reversible, and you cannot move from a larger to a smaller profile size.
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02:00 AM
Hi Muthu,
You can create a separate widget or required metrics in a single widget.
We can also user metric expression, please refer the following document.
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10:16 PM
Hi Roberto,
Currently, we cannot display the error messages on the report. We can create a report using the metrics as per the following screen.
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08:27 AM
Are you following the following document correctly?
Format -
curl -X POST --user user1@customer1:secret -F file=@uploadhealthrule.xml
pass "overwrite=true" if the health rule already.
If the issue exists, let us know the command/ client you are using.
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08:13 AM
Make sure user have administrator or account owner permissions and provide the correct account name and use the username in the defined format followed by the password.
Format - username@accountname:password
Alternately you can copy the REST URL open an incognito window and hit the URL for authentication use the same format for username followed by the password.
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09:04 PM
How you are trying to retrieve metric data, Are you using REST API? Please refer the following document.
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08:59 PM
1 Karma
Hi Sriram,
As you are on SaaS controller just need to make sure "SMTP host : localhost and Port : 25" fields. The from address field should be empty by default emails are sent by the root Controller user. Keep from address filed empty, fill in "send email to" field and test email configuration.
- Thanks
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03:21 AM
Please refer the following screens to create a dashboard. Do let us know if that helps.
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09:41 PM
Hi Nilesh,
There are extensions available to integrate the tools with the controller. please refer the following link -
Following document contains all the exposed REST API, please refer the following link -
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09:29 PM
Hi Soundarajan,
When you click option "view dashboard during Healthrule violation", and move to the Tier & node dashboard. You can move to "Slow Response time" tab and also can the snapshots filter on the type of call for that time range.
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09:32 PM
1 Karma
Please refer below document regarding percentile metric.
We can create a dashboard with these metrics as schedule it as a report.
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09:15 PM
Are you trying to configure own SMTP server to the controller? Is test mail configuration working for you when you the same domain? If you are changing the domain you need to change the SMTP host and port accordingly.
If a test is not working what error you are getting on controller UI.
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03:03 AM
1 Karma
Could you try calling the same API using swagger, please refer the following document for your reference.
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02:15 AM
Currently, there is no provision to check the currently logged in users through controller UI or API.
1)We register user login under controller_audit table. We can get who logged in to the controller for a time frame.
Following query will list out the users logged in to controller in last one hour -
SQL>select user_name,FROM_UNIXTIME(ts_ms/1000, '%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s') as login_time from controller_audit where action = 'LOGIN' and ts_ms > (select max(ts_ms) - 1000*60*60*1 from controller_audit);
2) We can generate a controller audit report.
3) We can check audit.log file under controller/logs.
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09:12 PM
2 Karma
Hi Nilesh,
Currently, there is no provision to check the currently logged in users through controller UI or API.
Though we register user login under controller_audit table. We can get who logged in to the controller for a time frame.
Following query will list out the users logged in to controller in last one hour -
SQL>select user_name,FROM_UNIXTIME(ts_ms/1000, '%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s') as login_time from controller_audit where action = 'LOGIN' and ts_ms > (select max(ts_ms) - 1000*60*60*1 from controller_audit);
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10:52 PM
Hi Mukesh,
Order and align options comes only for absolute layout dashboard. Could you create an absolute layout dashboard and verify the options. For grid layout, you will not see these feature.
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