Hello members i'm facing problems regarding parsing the event details on splunk i have forwarded the events from HF to indexers and now it's able to search but i'm facing issues with field extractions and event details because the messages are truncated for example if i have something like this sample event CEF:0|fireeye|HX|4.8.0|IOC Hit Found|IOC Hit Found|10|rt=Jul 23 2019 16:54:24 UTC dvchost=fireeye.mps.test categoryDeviceGroup=/IDS categoryDeviceType=Forensic Investigation categoryObject=/Host the categoryDeviceType parameter is truncated in field extraction so it display only forensic and other string is truncated so can any one please help on this matter my props.conf is [trellix] category = Custom pulldown_type = 1 TIME_FORMAT = ^<\d+> EVAL-_time = strftime(_time, "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S") TIME_PREFIX = %b %d %H:%M:%S
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