the index is appearing inside the indexer cluster dashboard inside cluster master but when i try to search it using Search Head i can't find any data i look at the splunkd inside one of the indexers it's appears it working fine
should i do restart or something or do i need to change anything?
Is it just one index you're not seeing data from or are there more of them?
Does your role have access to this index?
Did you verify (like tstats count over"all time") that there is any data in the index at all?
Does your SH even search from the indexers (read - is your environment properly configured regarding distributed searching).
Hi @KhalidAlharthi
If you able to view the index name incluster manager means it has searchable data
howerver when you try searhcing with same index name, what was time range you are looking for.
try run for longer timeframe. or you need to have the permission to view the index data in Splunk.
can you please confirm is indexname you are searching has present in allowed list for your role?