Hi, I'm working with a dashboard where I have three rows of data. Each row is filtered based on specific conditions. I have enabled drilldown for all these rows for eg: row 1: Panel 1: token name: r1_drill, condition: success , Panel 2: token name: r1_drill, condition: failed row 2 : Panel 1: token name: r2_drill, condition: success, type: abc , Panel 2: token name: r2_drill, condition: failed, type: abc row 3: Panel 1: token name: r3_drill, condition: success, type: def, Panel 2: token name: r3_drill, condition: failed, type: def The problem is while passing tokens to the piecharts: Clicking on r3_drill works as expected. Clicking on r2_drill sets r3_drill conditions as default, causing incorrect filtering. I need to unset r3_drill when r2_drill is set and vice versa for all. Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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