@ITWhisperer This is the final code. There is a base search at top and the panel search query that we have modified together. There will be 20 servers but in the example I am showing only one panel with host = XYZ*. Right now it is displaying correct color but count of total "Severities". I want the same criteria to evaluate the colors but show "server name" instead of "Count" <dashboard version="1.1" theme="dark">
<search id="base_search">
<query>| inputlookup kv_cmdb_as_entity_kpi_lookup WHERE NOT kpi="*~~*" AND host IN (X,Y)
search index="itsi_grouped_alerts" kpi=* severity=* entity_name=* earliest=-60m@m
| stats latest(_time) as time latest(severity) as severity by entity_name kpi
| eval host=lower(mvindex(split(entity_name, "."), 0))
| table host kpi severity time
| eval severity=coalesce(severity, 2), n=now(), time=coalesce(time, n), time=strftime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| fields - n _key _timediff
| sort - severity host kpi
| eval severity=case(severity == 2, "OK", severity == 4, "MEDIUM", severity == 6, "CRITICAL")
| fields host kpi severity
| rename host as Host, kpi as KPI, severity as Severity
<label>Application Dashboard</label>
<panel depends="$alwaysHide$">
#single_prd text {
fill: $single_text_colour$ !important;
<single id="single_prd">
<title>Server Name</title>
<search base="base_search">
<query>| search Host=xyz* Severity=*
| stats count count(eval(Severity=="CRITICAL")) as _critical count(eval(Severity=="OK")) as _ok count(eval(Severity=="MEDIUM")) as _medium
| eval _colour=case(_critical>0 AND _medium>0,"red",_critical=0 AND _medium>0,"yellow","_critical=0 AND _medium=0,"green",_critical>0 AND _medium=0, "red")
<set token="single_text_colour">$result._colour$</set>
<option name="colorBy">value</option>
<option name="colorMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">all</option>
<option name="numberPrecision">0</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<option name="showSparkline">1</option>
<option name="showTrendIndicator">1</option>
<option name="trellis.enabled">0</option>
<option name="trellis.scales.shared">1</option>
<option name="trellis.size">medium</option>
<option name="trendColorInterpretation">standard</option>
<option name="trendDisplayMode">absolute</option>
<option name="unitPosition">after</option>
<option name="useColors">0</option>
<option name="useThousandSeparators">1</option>
... View more