I have two queries which is giving me two tables, naming Distributed & Mainframe as below - Distributed- index=idx-esp source="*RUNINFO_HISTORY.*"
| rename STATUS as Status "COMP CODE" as CompCode APPL as ScheduleName NODE_GROUP as AgentName NODE_ID as HostName CPU_TIME as CPU-Time
| eval epoc_end_time=strptime(EndTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval epoc_start_time=strptime(StartTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval UpdatedTime=if(isnull(epoc_end_time),_indextime,epoc_end_time)
| eval DurationSecs=floor(UpdatedTime - epoc_start_time)
| eval Duration=tostring(DurationSecs,"duration")
| eval Source=if(like(source,"%RUNINFO_HISTORY%"),"Control-M","ESP")
| dedup Source ScheduleName ScheduleDate AgentName HostName JobName StartTime EndTime
| table ScheduleDate JobName StartTime EndTime Duration
| sort 0 - Duration
| head 10 Mainframe- index=idx-esp source="*RUNINFO_HISTORY.*" DATA_CENTER=CPUA JOB_ID="0*"
| eval epoc_end_time=strptime(EndTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval epoc_start_time=strptime(StartTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval UpdatedTime=if(isnull(epoc_end_time),_indextime,epoc_end_time)
| eval DurationSecs=floor(UpdatedTime - epoc_start_time)
| eval Duration=tostring(DurationSecs,"duration")
| table ScheduleDate JOB_MEM_NAME StartTime EndTime Duration
| sort 0 - Duration
| head 10 I am trying to append both the tables into one, using something like this - index=idx-esp source="*RUNINFO_HISTORY.*"
| rename STATUS as Status "COMP CODE" as CompCode APPL as ScheduleName NODE_GROUP as AgentName NODE_ID as HostName CPU_TIME as CPU-Time
| eval epoc_end_time=strptime(EndTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval epoc_start_time=strptime(StartTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval UpdatedTime=if(isnull(epoc_end_time),_indextime,epoc_end_time)
| eval DurationSecs=floor(UpdatedTime - epoc_start_time)
| eval Duration=tostring(DurationSecs,"duration")
| eval Source=if(like(source,"%RUNINFO_HISTORY%"),"Control-M","ESP")
| dedup Source ScheduleName ScheduleDate AgentName HostName JobName StartTime EndTime
| table ScheduleDate JobName StartTime EndTime Duration
| sort 0 - Duration
| head 50
| append
[search index=idx-esp source="*RUNINFO_HISTORY.*" DATA_CENTER=CPUA JOB_ID="0*"
| eval epoc_end_time=strptime(EndTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval epoc_start_time=strptime(StartTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval UpdatedTime=if(isnull(epoc_end_time),_indextime,epoc_end_time)
| eval DurationSecs=floor(UpdatedTime - epoc_start_time)
| eval Duration=tostring(DurationSecs,"duration")
| table ScheduleDate JOB_MEM_NAME StartTime EndTime Duration
| sort 0 - Duration
| head 50] The issue is I am trying to add a column named "Log_Source" at the start which tells either Distributed or Mainframe for its corresponding result. I am not sure how to achieve it. Pls help.
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