Hi @bitnapper, Without knowing what type of logs you are working with, I would assume your issue might be related to the use of the default LINE_BREAKER ([\r\n]+) while also keeping SHOULD_LINEMERGE = true (default setting). SHOULD_LINEMERGE explanation from props.conf file: * When you set this to "true", Splunk software combines several lines of data
into a single multi-line event, based on values you configure
in the following settings.
* When you set this to "false", Splunk software does not combine lines of
data into multiline events. * Default: true When SHOULD_LINEMERGE is set to true, other settings (BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE_DATE (default), BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE, MUST_BREAK_AFTER...) are used to define how Splunk software builds multi-line events merging previously broken lines. Also, remember to restart your Splunk instance where the new parsing rules are being applied (tipically HF/INDEXER or all-in-one architecture) Hope this helps, have a nice day, Fabrizio
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