You can have an update for this. Visit this pages from pagerDuty For me it doesn't work but I hope it works one day 12-14-2022 12:11:02.826 +0100 ERROR SearchScheduler [1700962 AlertNotifierWorker-0] - Error in 'sendalert' command: Alert script execution failed., search='sendalert pagerduty results_file="/opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/dispatch/scheduler__user__app__RMD59d9b970eac08bfa3_at_1671015960_53271/results.csv.gz" results_link="https://myserver/app/app/@go?sid=scheduler__user__app__RMD59d9b970eac08bfa3_at_1671015960_53271"' 12-14-2022 12:11:02.826 +0100 ERROR sendmodalert [1700962 AlertNotifierWorker-0] - Error in 'sendalert' command: Alert script execution failed. 12-14-2022 12:11:02.826 +0100 ERROR sendmodalert [1700962 AlertNotifierWorker-0] - action=pagerduty - Execution of alert action script failed 12-14-2022 12:11:02.824 +0100 WARN ScriptRunner [1700962 AlertNotifierWorker-0] - Killing script, probably timed out, grace=5sec, script="/opt/splunk/bin/python3.7 /opt/splunk/etc/apps/pagerduty_incidents/bin/ --execute" 12-14-2022 12:06:02.567 +0100 INFO sendmodalert [1700962 AlertNotifierWorker-0] - Invoking modular alert action=pagerduty for search="TEST PagerDuty" sid="scheduler__user__app__RMD59d9b970eac08bfa3_at_1671015960_53271" in app="app" owner="user" type="saved" To see this log on splunk : index=_internal [search index=_internal component=sendmodalert search="TEST PagerDuty" | table thread_id | format]
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